I'm boycotting boxing day


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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And I must say I feel pretty good about it. Every boxing day I get to the meet feeling pissed off at all of the non hunting community turned out for such a social day. I have a pretty lousy hunting day, my horse usually goes gaga at the amount of ponies and riders cutting us up, and may I point out that boxing day is NOT a good first meet for a horse who kicks, especially if fit doesnt have red tape on its tail.
So here you have it, I'm not going this year, I've put his rug on and he's having a play day. I will resume normal hunting as soon as the social meets are over and I can enjoy my days again. I must say its very sad when the regulars feel squeezed out of their own hunts at such an important time, but I can't justify going out and risking my horse to such a manic day.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
I agree when I used to hunt BD was a nightmare.
I think probably they should meet in a town, have a quick trot and canter round a couple of fields and go home!
The number of poseurs who turn out just for the spectacle are astonishing, many used to go to the meet then disappear back to their trailers as the hunt moved off!
I have had some fun Boxing Days when my former boss was the Master, as she let me go next to her all day and the rabble stayed well back...
I would go for a nice long hack instead, think smugly of how you aren't missing the chaos!


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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My daughter is very keen to start hunting and we deliberately DIDN'T choose today - yes, she'd have mingled in with all the others who don't really know what they're doing but I'd much rather that she learnt her manners properly and went with a smaller more experienced field and didn't risk pissing off the people she would hopefully be going out with more in the future.

Hope you enjoy your quiet day today.


Well-Known Member
17 February 2005
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Tis the hunts own fault for not organising it better, ie saying it may not being the best time for a first timer or having two groups that go.

Heaven forbid if someone should try something new, St. Stephens day hunting is not just about having a good hunting day.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
I can understand why you feel it necessary to stay at home for this Boxing Day Meet but I do hope you have already made arrangements to reward your Hunt Staff as you won't be paying your cap today. Remember, Boxing Day is the only time that the cap money goes to them as a thank you from subscribers and followers; it is their perk of the job which they richly deserve. It would be a great shame if anyone who regularly follows forgot them. :( - though I know you won't! :grin:


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
St. Stephens day hunting is not just about having a good hunting day.

Quite agree; it's their biggest public relations exercise of the year and also time to show your appreciation of the Hunt Staff; that has to take priority over hunting today. Any hunt that forgets that is doing a disservice and deserves negative feedback.
Besides, while it's lovely to see so many 'newbies' and once-a-year visitors, there are so many novice followers about in the cars, it tends to be a wasted hunting day anyway! :)


Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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I have just returned from the Boxing Day Meet in our village - on foot I might add - but it was tremendous as usual for Boxing Day. There must have been around 1,000 people on foot milling around the village square, about 80 horses and of course the hounds. It provides such a fantastic spectacle I have to agree that today wasn't really about going hunting, it is a visual spectacle that appeals to many folk who would like to show their support for hunting.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
I did the same thing, I took my ex-racehorse to his first meet last boxing day, he was ace and really good all day, but it really annoyed me that so many people were rude or took horses that kicked and generally had no manners. I decided not to bother today as they start the meet by going 5 or 6 times round the meet field, by which time even the sanest horse has blown its brains. I went for a hack with my mum and a friend instead!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
And I must say I feel pretty good about it. Every boxing day I get to the meet feeling pissed off at all of the non hunting community turned out for such a social day.

I can understand your point that the hunting is often much slower, but surely it shouldn't piss you off? What is wrong with the general public being attracted for the day, isn't it EXACTLY that which is needed for the sport?

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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And I must say I feel pretty good about it. Every boxing day I get to the meet feeling pissed off at all of the non hunting community turned out for such a social day. .

Do you know, most of those people show up (absolutely terrified in many cases) because it is the one day of the year when the hunts will receive maximum publicity and their support by being there will really count. The press are out and the public make a huge effort to see their local hunt off.

Of course the hunting is rubbish, but that really isn't the point of the day - and I can't help but feel that you are being a little mean spirited about it. Never mind, you can go out any other day without having to worry about numpties, or anybody else that is new and dares to join in.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2005
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My pack's Boxing Day meets aren't usually too bad fortunately... There's usually a fairly decent turnout, but once you're upfront it isn't too bad... Fortunately not too many stupid little children come out with us on Boxing Day either.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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I think we must be lucky with our local hunt, as it seems to welcome all comers and is appreciative of the support. With hunting in crisis since the ban, it doesn't pay to be too elitist.

The Virgin Dubble

Well-Known Member
19 March 2003
On my sofa
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Every boxing day I get to the meet feeling pissed off at all of the non hunting community turned out for such a social day.

Those non-hunting community people, are there to show their SUPPORT to the hunts, on the one day of the year when every hunt in the country gets huge media attention.

Nice to know how much you appreciate their support...


Well-Known Member
22 November 2005
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Have to say the "non hunting community" are at least showing their support. I know lots of out foot followers make a small donation and it is great that the hunt and kennel staff receive the cap money for all their work they do at all the other meets. Its great that hunting gets so much attention. I don't think the point of the day is to have a very fast day with tonnoes of jumping. We had hundreds of foot followrs today and it was fantastic to have so many people shoing their support.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Aww Rosie!! The foot followers and general public are the ones who are BEHIND hunting, and if hunts didnt have this support many would have to stop. You of all people should know how important public support is for the countryside.

It's attitudes like this that stop people wanting to try hunting, and how can they ever learn if they don't start somewhere? Or should it only be for the elite few who were born into it?

I did find your post quite disheartening. I just hope no-one thinks of my son like that on his first day

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
Thankfully I don't think most people involved with hunting are like this Kate. I've been out with two packs and have found both really welcoming and accepting, even to someone who can't get out very often. I also spoke with the Sec of another locally (but didn't go out with them in the end) who was also v welcoming of the support.

I don't believe it's the smartest idea to go out on Boxing Day if you've never been before or are taking a baby/green horse, but surely it's better that they show support on such a public day?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2001
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we had good turnout i agree with you Rosie all the idiots out no brakes as in snaffles !! but they all left by 12 afraid of the jumps and couldn't keep up with the pace of there horses!! yet they all wan't to ride up front to the meet just about sitting on your behind, anyway we had a great day finished at 4.30.


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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I have a good reason for not taking a horse. A few years ago daughters friend (hunted every saturday) was out on boxing day, stood to one side at gate to let rude ignorant man who was swearing about the children (man not a regular) through. Man clearly not a clue, his horse double barrelled the kid and her pony, laming the pony and breaking kids leg in 2 places. Kid had to have surgery as dirt got in.
Ignorant man complained about the hold up and never enquired after the child again.

That's why we don't take horses out on busy days. Nothing to do with the quality of the sport, I just don't want my horses or kids injured.

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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we had good turnout i agree with you Rosie all the idiots out no brakes as in snaffles !! but they all left by 12 afraid of the jumps and couldn't keep up with the pace of there horses!!

I do think this kind of attitude is particularly rude.
For many people a day out hunting is the very pinnicle of their equestiran acheivement, they will have planned for it for weeks, saved up to pay a cap, had to beg or borrow transport.
They may only have ponies or small hairy horses, they might not have the 'right' tack, they may have little clue about the way they are expected to behave.
How are they supposed to learn, or enjoy following hounds if they come away with the strong impression that the regulars think that they are idiots and in the way?

It is these very attitudes that will be the death of hunting. Enjoy your small exclusive club - it can only get smaller with people like you in it.

I used to hunt - I never heard this kind of comment, whatever people may have thought about newbies they were polite enough to keep their opinions to themselves. If this is what hunting has become I'm not sure I want any part of it.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2007
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as a huntsmans wife, am appalled by some comments on here. you telling me all you lot complaining about kids, went out on your first hunts and didn't put a foot wrong??!!
we need the publics support now more than ever and if it means sacrificing a little to please everyone then so be it. we have welcomed people to our pack, because they have felt ousted by others. yes they sometimes forget things and cut people up, but it is how you approch them about it, that counts, many are out on their own from non hunting familys, that gratefully take help, when is given nicely.
rosie notice you haven't responded re xmas box for staff, shame on you if you can't appriciate the people who provide your sport.

Happy Horse

Well-Known Member
4 July 2001
Wow I am surprised at some of the attitudes on here. I went along to the VWH Hunt yesterday and I was really pleased to see the wide variety of people both mounted and unmounted supporting the hunt. All I saw were happy faces, people enjoying themselves, a new generation of supporters as well as old timers all mixing in well together. I hope this continues and the bitterness shown on this thread does not discourage people supporting the hunts in future.

QR by the way not aimed at anyone in particular!