I'm either mad, suicidal or both!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2005
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But with all the recent napping and rearing problems we have been having with the evil ginger one I decided that I would risk life and limb and take her out on a hack with kiri today. Only 2miles with 1/2 a mile of roadwork and space to send her forawrd if need be!!!

Well, after going vertical with me through shear bad manners and no patience before we were evenm off the yard I was wholely prepared to come home full of regret but cladded up with body protector, shoulder pads, long whip, lungline (carried by mother who came along on foot!) and lit up like an xmas tree off we went!

She was a different pony!
Only had a few silly nappy rears at a huge pony eating pudddle and even had a canter (with brakes) a small pop of a few logs and she went in front for a bit! She wasn't amused and tried to kill us on barbed wire while we waited for 5 minutes for mum but even that was good compared to what she is capeable of.

And her manners were 100x better once we got back to the yard including standing perfectly still while I sat on her nattering to my YO for 10 mins.

So new plan of action is to hack, hack and hack some more through the winter, bugger the schooling and get her enjoying life and wanting to go out and about and if Im feeling really brave I may even take her hunting!