Well-Known Member
So my shetland foals are almost 7 months old and I've had them 7 weeks. Last week I found that they had lice - they weren't that bad, just had very itching bums. My vet advised my to get some Deosect, so I ordered it but it didn't come until Monday (today). So during that time to ease their itching, I used some louse powder. It eased their itching a little but there were still some live lice, they were very itchy again this morning. I picked up the Deosect at lunch time and applied it after work about 6pm.
I did a little patch on both ponies and both were fine. So I started on Acer first as hes been the most itchy of the two. I did his whole body the best I could and moved onto Calypso. Just after I had done Calypso's bum, I noticed Acer getting quite aggitated around his flanks. I went and had a look and all looked ok, check his rump especially as that was the best place I could see them and all I found was dead ones.
I carried on with Calypso and Acer got worse and worse, kicking out and almost sitting on his bum. I had a real good look and on his flank there was broken skin (I don't know whether this was there already or whether he had done this while itching after I'd applied the Deosect as he was literally eating chewing himself), I was horrified and called my vet immediately as I thought he was having a bad reaction. He told me to stop and wash his flanks with warm water, but I'd already done his whole body... I washed it off and 20mins later he was still the same. I rang round lots of friends who told me it was likely that the Deosect had irritated the lice and made him a bit stingy. I kept an eye on him (all the while Calypso was ok, no itchier than he was before) and he was getting worse. So I gave him some pony nuts so he would keep still and I could have a good look and to my surprise, the area he was itching so vigorously was absolutely covered with live lice. My poor poor pony
My first thought was I had to kill the lice as that was surely what was making him so itching there, but didn't want to apply Deosect as there was broken skin. So I put some louse powder on - 20mins later it had done nothing. So I thought I can;t possibly make him any worse - so I put some Deosect on and watched his skin closely.
The skin did not get any worse over a 45min period and the itching is slightly less severe than it was. I walked him around a bit and he's eaten some chaff. I've left them eating their haynet and still itching their flanks and armpits. I am so upset, I'm just ready to give up Anything I do just seems to be making them worse and I'm so worried he'll rub himself raw by the morning. Surely if he'd had a bad reaction to the Deosect, it would have been all over his body? I just don't know what to do.
Anyone who has got this far... Thank you. Any advice or experiences you can share would be much appreciated right now. I feel like such a terrible owner, my boys really did get dealt a bad hand having me buy them