I'm still alive.....thanks to TFT and Heidi1


Well-Known Member
16 November 2005
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Well as many of you knew I was cacking myself over Moorgreen show, what you don't know is that last week I had a TFT session. Everytime I go into the show ring I froze and fell apart with the thought that people are watching and judging me (hello is'nt that what it's about!!!!!!????
) So underwent TFT and was still so scared, until I got there yesterday. Went to bed Saturday night after wishing you all good bye
after not being able to eat all day. Woke at 1am managed to get some toast down my throat and then lay awake until 4.30 listening to the rain pee down.

Mini Stonks was plaited and ready to go at 6.30am we got to the showground and they were towiing the lorries on!!! The good old Disc lived up to every LandRover commercial and ploughed through it all. Heidi and her mother met us there (my saviours) and helped with the finishing touches which mostly meant keeping mud off us!

My inhand class was one of the first of the day and we came 2nd (whispers out of 2) but I was pleased with how she went and the winner was a lovely 18 year old veteran with much more of the CB build than we have, but the main thing was that I enjoyed it and felt relaxed!

I then prepared for the ridden class, rode to the working in area and MS went up a gear, leapt around and jogged I was in awe as she is normally too laid back. Quick tapping session and in we went, and guess what I could breath...and I smiled!!! MS was going forwards and I was actually enjoying this, repeat enjoying it!!!!!! Forwards into canter and she had a lovely forward going canter, covering ground, so much so that even though I was pushing her into the corners to use the space we caught up to the horse in front who called me a 'stupid f***king cow' for getting up her backside. Downhill from there on, I was truly upset and deflated and MS went straight down the gears and back to a seaside donkey
. Judge rode her, and she was still in donkey mode (which made me feel a bit better!) Anyway to cut a long story short we came 5th and the judges comments were that she was very unresponsive, a typical CB!!!!!!!

So we came away feeling very good, I would highly recommend TFT to anyone with fears, I don't really know how it works but it truly seems to work. My last show I had been unable to breath and just wanted to cry while I was in the show ring. For my 4th show in 23 years I am happy with our results and will keep perservering.

Mini Stonks then decided that there was far to much going on at the show for her to watch to go into the trailer and stood for over an hour on the ramp watching the world go by. Many people tried to help us but to no avail she was not budging (food, lunge lines and whips to no avail) until Carl went off and bought a sack of carrots and the little f***ker went into the trailer like a lamb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So special thanks to Heidi1, my guru!, her mother, Hubby and everyone who tried to get my girl into the trailer. Will post some photos in the gallery.


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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aww well done!!
if it's any consolation we totally bombed ours and got a 5th and an 8th. Little Bob refused to go past the scary man at the showground gate and had to be led in. We also found ourselves surrounded by posh hacks and hunters in the ring, with a 13.2hh little native ourselves! The judge didnt even look at him.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2003
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Oh well done you, and a GRRRR to the nasty cow who swore at you and upset you.

I'm also a TFT convert but I think I need to call Jo back as I'm still having a few isssues. I also think that if I overtap it effects my performance as I'm too relaxed (does that sound mad?)


Well-Known Member
16 June 2006
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that's great sounds like you had a good time, shame the horse in front was not more understanding!! Never mind good experience anyway. Can I ask what is TFT, probably sounds really stupid so sorry


Well-Known Member
7 August 2005
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Well done, she looks lovely!! And you did alot better than us, we got evicted from out class!!

Shes gorgeous, hope you're a very proud mummy??!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Well done you. Think i will have to try some TFT for my fear of driving on the motorways and also of flying!!! Sounds like you had a goodish sort of day. The girl who swore at you is only jealous of your horse. Let it pass. Well done again. When is the next one??


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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Hey well done! You sound as though you were so much more together - and mini stonks too! Shame that ignorant rider had to shout obscenities at you - judge should have thrown her out of the ring if they had heard.

Sounds like you have lots of positive things to work on, and MS clearly enjoyed herself so much she didn't want to go home!!!

Well done!


P.S - have you cleared your PMs yet? Trying to reply to you