I'm taking the plunge and saying hello...


Well-Known Member
23 January 2006
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Hello all, I've been lurking for a while now, so think its about time to introduce myself, or rather my horse. She is Breeze, a 14.3hh Welsh D x Dutch Warmblood. We have been happily doing a bit of everything, but unfortunately she injured a tendon just over a year ago. She is coming back into work, we have just started to canter, and hopefully next year we may be out and about again.

Here she is SJ:


More SJ, I've got my scary face on in this one:

OK, we do like SJ!

And finally, a bit of posing (WHP):

I have also been riding a friend's horse so I can go and have fun and not worry about the ground and overdoing it etc etc. Here he is (am I allowed to say he's for sale?!)

I got completely left behind on the last one, he junped early and rather large as you can see, so I know my position is terrible!
Sorry if there's too many and and they are probably a bit large as well.


Well-Known Member
9 April 2006
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and no one has said hello back!!

i love the dun such a beautiful looking horse! love the way she throws her legs out in front when she jumps! lovely pics!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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Hello & welcome - pwetty pony & interesting breeding there! (Like the coloured one too!) LOL

Re 'scary face' SJing, don't worry, you'd have to go a long way to beat PapaFrita's 'scary faces' whilst SJing sometimes!
29 July 2005
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hiya! and welcome to the forum! Now you have posted you won't be able to stop
(if my post count is anything to go by!
) Your horse looks fab!


Well-Known Member
23 January 2006
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Thank you everyone for your very nice comments. Breeze is my absolute pride and joy (waited 20 years for my first horse!) so thank you.

To henryhorn:
Breeze injured her inferior check ligament near fore, she did it in walk skidding across a man hole/drain cover on the road.
I had no idea it was a tendon at first, no lameness at all, very slight swelling and minimal heat. Vet called after 5 days with no change. Initital prognosis was back in full work 5-6 months.
I took the decision to leave her living out as opposed to box rest. I know this is not the norm but I had many reasons for this desicion - in a nutshell my mare hates being in and I feared she would make the damage even worse if kept in. It was July, it was hot, our herd has a lot of older horses in it and she was happy to just potter round the field getting fat! I knew I was taking a big risk doing this but was taking her mental health into account as well as her physical health and I was lucky that it worked for me.
She had 4 months completely off, then started ridden walking for literally 5 minutes, and built this up slowly. This went on until April, as we were interrupted by an abcess, colic,and bi-lateral front feet lameness (but thats a whole other story!)
Started trot work in April, again just a few strides at first and built it up. Latest scan shows all is healed, just some slight fluid in there, and scar tissue in the form of a slight swelling on her leg (which is reducing all the time - I am using magnetic therapy boots on it and massaging the lump). We were given the all clear to start canter work at the last scan (almost a year to the day from the injury) which we have, although limited just now due to the ground being so hard. We have started schooling in walk and trot, but we are not using our school as it is sand and quite deep so we are using the field to school in - plus we can do bigger circles so the turns are not as tight as they would be in the school.
Plan to have her in normal work by the end of the year, including schooling in the sand school, and then see how I feel about jumping her next spring.
Hope this helps, but if you want anything more feel free to ask.