In need of some advice!!


Well-Known Member
7 January 2012
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Right, I have found myself in a bit of an odd situation and am unsure where I stand with regard to rights/legal rights etc

I found new grazing for my horse just after christmas, went to view it etc and all seemed well. Agreed a weekly price with the owner and some basic ground rule eg what do do with poo! I managed to get transport, got my horse to the new grazing, settled her in and then was greeted by the owner as I'd expect. I was then told by the owner I would have to sign an agreement/contract. Now, this had not been bought to my attention before hand at all, and because of this, I hadnt seen the contence of the contract! So I am feeling trapped now as my horse is in and settled and I feel I must sign the agreement, even if I do not agree with it, as I can't do anything else! This doesnt seem right to me and deffinatley not fair! I am still yet to see the written agreement and it may be very fair. But my worry is that if I do not agree and do not want to sign,...where do I stand?!
The origional agreement we had was verbal and I was happy with, but now that agreement they want to break and create something new which, in all likleyhood, will be heavily in their favour.
Surely I should have been told and be able to see and rea the written agreement BEFORE I moved my horse, as if I then didnt agree with it or want to sign it, I would have found somewhere else. Rather than having the cost and stress of moving my horse, then possibly having to move again because the owner was not up front.

Any opinions on this or guidence would be very welcomed!!

Thanks :0)


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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I wouldn't worry about it until you have seen the contract :)

It will no doubt be fine, just the verbal agreement put on paper for you both to sign - this gives you peace of mind as well as the land owner. My contract is pretty basic, it confirms that I lease a certain acreage for x amount of money per calender month. It states how long the contract is for and how much notice either party must give to terminate the agreement. All pretty standard.

As said, a written contract will protect you, and don't worry what the contents will be until you have seen it x


Well-Known Member
21 January 2010
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Don't try to pre-judge the situation before you have seen the contract - second-guessing always gives the worst light on things!
It may be that they have been advised to have a written agreement for insurance purposes or that someone has let them down in the past in terms of poo-picking or fence maintenance or even by not paying.
If it does turn out that you are not happy with the contract, try to see it from their point of view and negotiate the elements you don't like to get something you are happy with.
I can understand why you are stressing about it but, if your horse is happy and you are happy, look at a positive way to resolve it.
Also, having a written contract may give you more protection in terms of a notice period if they want you to leave.


Well-Known Member
10 October 2006
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I would want a written contract and would have brought this up before I moved my horse - too late now, but you live and learn. I wouldnt get too upset until you have read the contract, it might be fine. It also gives you an opportunity to have some input and say actualy I dont agree with clause 3, or whatever before you sign.

If you have a written contract make sure you have a good period of time should the owner want the land back, nothing worse than owners getting a better offer and trying to hoik you off, or deciding they can have multiple horses on the site and get extra income.

Our old house had 5 lovely stables in a gorgeous yard, but only one acre of grazing (we rented extra land). When we were selling it was amazing how many (non horse) viewrs were rubbing their hands thinking they could squeeze 5 horses in on livery.


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8 December 2007
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Verbal means nothing, is be happier that they wanted it written. If its fair it'll protect both sides :)

A verbal contract is still a contract and in law is binding. It may be difficult to prove on either side of course, but nevertheless, tis still a contract.


Well-Known Member
23 January 2008
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Although I agree with all that a contract is a good thing. Do not be forced into signing it until you have taken it away to read. If something is not clear to you in the contract make a note and discuss with the yard owners. Only when happy sign. Also before signing do you know any other liveries on the yard that you can talk/ask about the contract and if there have been any particular disputes. When they give you the contract tell them that they never mentioned this before you moved so you need time to read it. I would rather move my horse again than enter into a contract I'm not happy with. But I'm sure it will all be fine:)


Well-Known Member
7 January 2012
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Thank you all very much for your replies. I really want this place to work out, my horse seems so happy there. And, as everyone has said, I may well be worrying about nothing, but wanted to get my mind clear of what I could do just in case the agreement wasn't fair.
Sadly, I am currently the only person renting the fields, next week there will be other horses, but they are family members, so asking about any disputes is difficult.
I am will not sign anything I am not happy with and if they refuse to change it, then I shall have no option but to move my horse again, sadly. I am happy to sign a contract and I agree it gives peace of mind to both parties and sets ground rules you both agree with and have to live up to. It was just a panic as it was litrally sprung upon me with no prior mention of any contract (my last grazing's have been all word of mouth and worked well (I am one to not take the mick though and always pay up and keep everything tidy and in good condition!) but I know not all people are like that. I totally understand the owners reasons for wanting a written agreement, for their protection, my orry is that it will be written in such a way that if anything at all happens, I am left in the poo! But I shall say I want to take it away and read it carefully before signing especially as I wasnt given the chance to see if before I agreed to move my horse to their land.
I am not wanting the world at all, I just want it to be fair for both. For example, if my horse trashes their fences, I have to put up new fences - no issue with this in the slightests, contract or not I would do that! But I dont want anything like 'we can increase your rent with a weeks notice according to inflation.' and on the next clause 'you must give 1 months notice' which, to anyones mind, is not fair.
I hope to goodness that it will be fair, but as it is private land rather than a yard, I do wonder!

Thank you again for all your opinions and advice, I shall let you know what happens!!
