Well-Known Member
Hi, hoping someone here will be able to give me some advice. Theres been a series of the usual rude notices go up in our tea room at the livery yard this week, one however worries me a little. In a bid ' to stop thoose tax dodging free loaders which give us lessons in his arena and take money out of his pocket'
(Yard owners quote) he is now saying anone who has a lesson must produce a certificate of public liabilty insurance for their instructor ????!!!! Hes barking, I know BHS registered instructors have this, but my instructor only teaches me and a couple of others on different yards. Me and my horses are fully insured I don't understand why this is necessary. I plan to get my instructor this insurance if its not to expensive so I can continue with my lessons, TBH I'm furious I only use the arena a few times a week and always have my lessons a quiet times and people ride alongside me anyway and I know none of the other liveries complained. I've had my instructor for years we have a great relationship and I don't want to stop.