Well-Known Member
Really interesting.
We were shown how advances in large animal rescue have come on over the years.
The most important things that I have taken away from the visit, is that you need to have and emergency plan to put into action, while you wait for them to arrive , it will take them longer than you expect to get to you, as they have to deploy all the trained people and get the specialist equipment together.
And certainly in my area they do not charge for their services , the chap giving the tour explained that they regard domestic animals as family members
We were shown how advances in large animal rescue have come on over the years.
The most important things that I have taken away from the visit, is that you need to have and emergency plan to put into action, while you wait for them to arrive , it will take them longer than you expect to get to you, as they have to deploy all the trained people and get the specialist equipment together.
And certainly in my area they do not charge for their services , the chap giving the tour explained that they regard domestic animals as family members