Interyard competition (Berks, Bucks, Hants, Wilts, Bucks, Oxon)


Well-Known Member
27 March 2006
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Would any one be intrested in the following idea in the above area:-

We have recently had an idea of perhaps having an 'inter yard' competition between the yards in Berkshire and the surrounding area.
The competition would be a combined training event with teams of 4 each team gaining points for placings. each yard would be expected to host a competition and we would hold the final here at Hall Place with rosettes, trophies, sashes and £50 saddlery vouchers for the winners. We would also have a BBQ.
With a suggested that the entry fee per team should be £30.

let me know if you would be intrested in doing something like this over the summer of 2007.

Our yard is in Berkshire.

Thought it might be fun!