introducing horses- ideas


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
sheffield up t'road
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how do you introduce your neds?
bey is 13 months old and only been in with her mum.
mum is now on box rest so shes on the other side of the fence to two other is a chilled out arab, the other a stressy type big mare who can kick.
they seem to get on ok over the fence and not show aggression to each other.the mare seems very possessive over beyonce though and kept chasing the gelding away, although she did kick out at beyonce once through the fence(and bey just stood there!)
how would you introduce them into the same field?all in at once or seperate introductions?i think bey would be very frightened if the two of them came at her at once!and i dont know how this mare will react ... scarey stuff!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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When I get a new horse, I have a good setup where I have a stable which leads into the paddock. So I put the newbie in the stable on the first day, so the others can sniff him over the door without any damage being done if they kick out. Once they've calmed down, I let the horse out on his own into a paddock right next door. We have electric along the top of the fence so they cant get too close and risk striking out at the fence, but they also have a wooden fenced area where they can safely lean over.
Then usually the next day I'll introduce one of the most chilled out ponies. And slowly introduce 1 more each time until they're all out together.

If you can let them touch each other over a stable door then it is safer. Just be careful they dont get caught up in the fence as this is the biggest risk I find! Put boots on them all if you can, just in case.


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
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Well our horses were first introduced th field was halfed with electric fences then we just left them to get used to each other, then after about a week put them in together and they were fine, they have been inseparable ever since


Well-Known Member
21 March 2007
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i have done it both ways - put them straight in and let them sort it - and also in a pen in the big field for a couple of weeks to get used to each other - i have to say i prefer the 'safe' way as mine lives in a big herd - its also easier in the summer as there is more grass and the others dont get bored and cause trouble - it is also a good idea to 'boot and suit' the newbie just in case with the chuck 'em in and let them sort it method - good luck x


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Do not put her out with anything if they are renound kickers - you will end up with a broken leg and no Bey!

The other horse sounds ok, and I'd be inclined to stable them next to each other so that they can actually touch for an hour or so, and then pop them out with each other and see how they get on.


Well-Known Member
25 December 2006
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I moved mine to grass livery and just chucked him in the field !!!!!!! LOL

But I knew he could stand up for himself and did assess him for the rest of the day - done this quite a few times and has only gone wrong once.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2005
South Yorkshire
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When Willow was about 3 months old she got introduced my girls by splitting the field with electric fencing. They all got on well over the fencing so started introducing them 1 by 1 into the field. I started off with who I thought would be the safest. I found out that the ones who I thought would beat the crap out of Willow were the ones who have actually taken her under their wings so to speak.

Could you put the arab in the field with Bey to start off and go from there?


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
sheffield up t'road
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yeah i think thats what i will do.the mare goes out at fairly random times so i dont want her to get attached to her(the arab is out full time) he seems very gentle.
thanks guys


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Yes if you can have an adjoining fence for a few days then this is the way to take it.

My little foal and her mother went back into their herd when the baby was 10 days old. I introduced them individually over a couple of days though, and I put the herd into the Mothers paddock and only after they were all in there did I open the gate to let them all out in the big field where the rest of the herd had been living for the past month.

It all went smoothly and with no hitches.


Well-Known Member
22 September 2004
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I always put them in the field next door for a day or 2 so that they get all the excitement over with before they are in together. Then I put the new one in the field first and add the rest of the gang one by one. There is normally a bit of cantering about, but have never had any problem at all. Good luck, I am sure it will be fine