Well-Known Member
As title.
Is it just me who is finding this, or is this the 'norm'? Cap and Subscription prices just seem to keep shooting up, and are pretty much unaffordable to most 'normal' horsey folk. I think this is extremely unfair, as it should be made available for all to support. How do they expect to get supporters with such high prices?! Are they trying to deter people from coming?!
I have more or less had it implied that I 'should' subscribe this season but cannot afford to do so. Can Hunt on Caps but that would only allow me to do 4 days!
Don't know what to do, as I love my Hunting and so does my little horse but if we cannot afford it, I am simply just not going to be able to go.
Anyone else have this? Or is it a minority? Thinking of trying another pack but as I don't have my own transport this is highly annoying as the pack I am talking about is my local.
Is it just me who is finding this, or is this the 'norm'? Cap and Subscription prices just seem to keep shooting up, and are pretty much unaffordable to most 'normal' horsey folk. I think this is extremely unfair, as it should be made available for all to support. How do they expect to get supporters with such high prices?! Are they trying to deter people from coming?!
I have more or less had it implied that I 'should' subscribe this season but cannot afford to do so. Can Hunt on Caps but that would only allow me to do 4 days!
Anyone else have this? Or is it a minority? Thinking of trying another pack but as I don't have my own transport this is highly annoying as the pack I am talking about is my local.