Is Hunting becoming ridiculously 'Elite'?


Well-Known Member
15 August 2015
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As title.

Is it just me who is finding this, or is this the 'norm'? Cap and Subscription prices just seem to keep shooting up, and are pretty much unaffordable to most 'normal' horsey folk. I think this is extremely unfair, as it should be made available for all to support. How do they expect to get supporters with such high prices?! Are they trying to deter people from coming?!

I have more or less had it implied that I 'should' subscribe this season but cannot afford to do so. Can Hunt on Caps but that would only allow me to do 4 days! :( Don't know what to do, as I love my Hunting and so does my little horse but if we cannot afford it, I am simply just not going to be able to go.

Anyone else have this? Or is it a minority? Thinking of trying another pack but as I don't have my own transport this is highly annoying as the pack I am talking about is my local.


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25 November 2005
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Well it has always been expensive, they have the staff to pay and upkeep of horses, kennels, transport, etc.

However, when I was hunting regularly I was on a junior membership, under 25 I think, and I know farmers families paid a lot less and I could only think that there were a certain few in the field that couldn't possibly afford a full subscription. You know the sort, the old boy or gal that plodded along at the back on some ancient hunter that wouldn't see 20 again, yet there were always out season in, season out.

As you mention, some hunts do a limited sub, where you only go a certain number of times, some do a sub for the less fashionable areas, some people will "pay" you to do their gate-shutting. Do you go to Hunt Supporters, do you make yourself useful. I used to think that these were the sorts of people who would have a quiet word in the corner about getting a reduced subscription.


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9 May 2007
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Cheaper than eventing! It is expensive but everything in life is choices. We choose to event in the summer and only go hunting a couple of days as can't afford full sub on top of BE costs.

Our bloodhound pack is cheaper (and friendlier!) than traditional hunt so go with them.

Unfortunately the fewer subscribers the higher the prices as costs remain.


Well-Known Member
3 March 2009
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You can buy a book of tickets with most packs, which entitle you to a limited number of days - normally about 6-8. One pack local to me offers 8 days for £380 (approx)

If you volunteer to go gate shutting, you'll get a free day.

Have a word with the Hon Sec - not everybody pays full sub and they'd rather have something from you than nothing


Well-Known Member
3 March 2009
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I would add that I think that hunting is the least elitist that it has ever been. More people from all walks of life are hunting - the field is more inclusive and most packs are more welcoming of newcomers than ever

(There are, admittedly, still packs who let themselves down by their cliquey-ness but they are getting fewer)


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I think hunting is less elitist than it's ever been .
It costs about the same as a smart gym membership and the costs of running a hunt are eye watering .


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24 April 2009
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The best way to lower subscription costs is to encourage more and more people to come out hunting.

Agreed. And agree with you, OP, I can no longer afford to hunt. It may cost the same as going to a gym, but you only need some lycra and a pair of trainers to go to a gym (not that I need to use one..)

Some hunts are still cliquey, it is quite clear to me that some folks are certainly more welcome than others (money talks) and also agree that bloodhound packs are more friendly and much better value.


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Well, possibly elitist in the sense of those who can afford it, as it isn't cheap. But that's true of horses generally I find! I'm trying a more local pack this season, and they are a lot cheaper. They do 7 days a season plus autumn, which will be enough for me. I think drag hunting might be cheaper too.


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24 September 2008
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Speak to the secretary, you may be able to hunt in the week for less or just do a few Saturday's each season for instance.


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
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It's always been expensive to hunt. As an adult, I could either compete in the summer or hunt in the winter, not both. I chose to compete.

I know of someone like you, without transport, who could only attend meets within hacking distance. She took on other people's gateshutting duties for the meets she could get to, and they in turn paid her cap, so she effectively hunted for free.

You need to get out and get known for this to happen, though. And also be able to mount from the ground unassisted!


Well-Known Member
15 August 2015
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It is the Secretary I have spoken to who has told me I need to subscribe! I am well known within the Hunt and have hunted 6 seasons with them! Last season I hunted 10 days at a reduced cap rate and helped with gate shutting on all of them and still I am being subject to this - words fail me! :( maybe time to look for a new pack!


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3 March 2009
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Sounds like they don't deserve your support and it's time to find a new pack. I suspect they are a comparatively "big name" pack who get large fields and who therefore don't value individual contributors. Does your pack begin with a C?


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Sounds like they don't deserve your support and it's time to find a new pack. I suspect they are a comparatively "big name" pack who get large fields and who therefore don't value individual contributors. Does your pack begin with a C?

I agree with this .


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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It's pretty mean to only allow you to do 4 days on caps!

I go whenever they are close enough for me to hack to, which is usually about once a month and we made it out about 6 times last year (plus some cubbing). They always seem very pleased to see me and they know there is no chance of me subscribing any time soon (same with previous somerset hunt too). - Old pony/no transport/full time job meaning weekdays limited :p.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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It's pretty mean to only allow you to do 4 days on caps!

I go whenever they are close enough for me to hack to, which is usually about once a month and we made it out about 6 times last year (plus some cubbing). They always seem very pleased to see me and they know there is no chance of me subscribing any time soon (same with previous somerset hunt too). - Old pony/no transport/full time job meaning weekdays limited :p.

Yes I think four days on caps is a little mean as well .
We do eight plus pay on the day for as often as you want to go autumn hunting after you have used your eight hunting days I think you can just go on paying daily cap.


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
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We allow people to buy a book of tickets which is for 6 days. In reality if you turn up, are no trouble then you can continue to pay a day cap. We don't have gates so no chance of hunting for free to do this. However as treasurer I can say that running a hunt and balancing the books is not easy! If you "do a deal" for one person you would soon find everyone wants one.

It is not cheap but then as others have said it is about choice. Unfortunately we can't all always do want we want to.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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But surely someone turning up and paying a day cap (£40-60 for me depending on the day) is better than them not coming at all and not getting that money? (I'm no trouble ;) )


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17 September 2009
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I agree Ester we would not turn them away!! All In was saying was IF someone was more trouble than they were worth you COULD use it as an excuse. Not saying that is the case for OP.


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30 July 2010
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My local hunt only allows two day caps at £70 or £100 a day depending on the meet. You can take a 6 day subscription at £540. The cost of a full subscription is four times my annual gym membership fee! I don't mind paying the day cap but the two day limit is the issue with me.

The local bloodhounds subscription fees are considerably cheaper and don't limit the number of day caps. This year I might do a few day caps with different hunts as I'm on the border of three combined with a some outings with the bloodhounds.

Trying to hunt and work full time is difficult as I have to use my annual holiday to hunt in the week. Therefore I can't risk booking a day off to hunt if it might get cancelled on the day due to ground conditions/weather.

I envy anyone who can afford to hunt and doesn't have to work :)


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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Most out on weekdays round here seem to have their own businesses presumably with someone else they don't mind leaving in charge! Thankfully my workplace don't mind me taking holiday last minute/cancelling when it snows and just coming in!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2013
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As title.

Is it just me who is finding this, or is this the 'norm'? Cap and Subscription prices just seem to keep shooting up, and are pretty much unaffordable to most 'normal' horsey folk. I think this is extremely unfair, as it should be made available for all to support. How do they expect to get supporters with such high prices?! Are they trying to deter people from coming?!

I'm not sure if it varies on what part of the country you;re based, I'm based in the South East (Oxfordshire) Which is dominated by 3-4 large very ‘well off’ hunts. My local hunt charges £130 for a Saturday meet. Way toooo expensive for me, with the added snobby upper class attitudes to follow. I’m not downing all the members of the hunt as there are some very nice ones, but more often than not one gets the impression (along with others in our area) if you’re not in the ‘club’ you not welcome. To me this is wrong, hunts should be grateful for all the support they get especially the tough times they’ve had to go through. I’m willing to pay no question but I think it should be reasonable and fair to all. There’s nothing worse than going out hunting only to feel shunned to the side-lines because you are not the off-spring of a Lord or Lady. It’s a shame really, as kids we used to hunt every Saturday for £10 and loved every minute of it and have some great memories.

‘Certain’ hunts don’t do themselves any favours..

The past two seasons I’ve hunted with the drag hounds – a completely different group altogether and better value for money. Nice down to earth people, caring and generally grateful for your support. Subscriptions offered and preferred but if you want to turn up for the odd day here and there no problem - more than welcome.

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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…….., hunts should be grateful for all the support they get especially the tough times they’ve had to go through. ……...

I suspect that ALL Packs are grateful for ALL support, and though there will be certain members of all mounted fields, who's self opinion may not meet with the agreement of everyone, so Hunting in general is inclusive of all.

In the '70s when my employer was master of the Heythrop, and when they met at my place of work, so the field included a dustman, a factory worker, a lowly tenant farmer, and a guy who was black. ALL were welcome, and when the meet was at the front of the House, the butler served all with stirrup cups, willingly and regardless of their possible 'station' in life.

Perhaps there's a perceived and newly found self importance amongst some packs, but I've yet to see it. Those who are not catholic in their welcome, do hunting no service, at all.



Well-Known Member
15 August 2015
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I agree Tory27 - it definitely appears to be who you are as to what you are expected to pay and how you are treated! Hunts will end up losing valuable support with this attitude and I agree - it should be made fair for all to be able to enjoy - and they wonder why Hunting is perceived as being for people who are stuck-up and snobby?! There is definitely not much equality when it comes to Hunting.


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7 March 2008
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Our pack allows us to pay for the season monthly by direct debit - makes it far more affordable and provides the hunt with an all year round income.

Worth asking if you could do the same?

Being heavily involved with my local pack, I can totally appreciate how much it costs just to keep it breaking even, let alone be in the black!


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
East Anglia
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L & M we do Direct Debit too! With smaller pcks there is also the issue of the size of the country. Whilst we would love the income from a very large field our farmers would not tolerate it. It is not easy balancing it all.