Is it possible to get stirrup bars lengthened/set back?


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16 May 2009
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I am having some real saddle woes... :( I'm pretty tall (5ft 11) and my current saddle gives me a horrid chair seat. This should be practically impossible, as it's an 18" Isabelle Werth Wintec, which is supposed to have the stirrup bar placed quite far back anyway.

Pic to demonstrate

But I think the problem lies in the ratio of my thigh length to calf length. Have done some reading here: and measured myself and I measure 58cm in the upper leg compared to 49cm in the lower :eek:

(I know, I must be a freak).

So, while I'd love one of the gorgeous Schleese saddles, I do not have a spare £3k + kicking around... does anyone know if a saddler could alter the stirrup bar placement on my own saddle?


Well-Known Member
20 July 2012
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I have the exact same problem and I ride a 13.2 (I am 5ft7).

I have just ordered a barnsby edgerton with custom made bits specifically for my long thighs which are extra knee block width, extra 1.5 inch on the knee roll, and extra padding in the knee rolls. It's not costing me any extra to have these things done and if any of them don't work for me or the pony when it comes they will amend them. Something you could think about maybe?

They have given me an edgerton to borrow in the mean time and it really is the most comfortable saddle I've ever ridden in and my leg position feels good too.


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16 May 2009
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That's really interesting FfionWinnie, thanks :). I'm off to have a look at the Barnsby website...

Tiger Tail, I've thought of the Heather Moffett saddles a few times. Unfortunately, my horse has previously had back issues and is capable of spinning like a Tasmanian devil and/or dropping a shoulder and then p*****g off at high speed when something scares him out hacking. Having ridden in them before, I just wouldn't feel secure enough in a treeless :(


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20 July 2012
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Hope you get somewhere. It was the barnsby fitter who pointed it out to me. I have always had a problem with my knees riding off the edge of the saddle but had never realised until last week that have long upper legs is exactly why it happens!

Will post pics of my saddle when I get it.

I was really impresse with the fitter. There are a differechoppy ions for everything to get the right fit it seems for horse and rider.


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23 November 2011
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L paddock u should talk to heather about her Iberian that spins like a top! They aren't treeless anyway but soft treed. Massive difference!


17 December 2011
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My saddler stitched little strips of leather, just less than 1cm wide, round the front end of my bars to set the leathers back a little.

I've had several comments about my lovely position, it's nothing to do with me, it's my saddle! It's just a no name GP!


Well-Known Member
16 May 2009
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Thanks again Ffion. Strangely enough, I never thought I'd end up with a big wb as my first horse and always wanted a Highland or similar (I know that a suitably wide one would take up my lanky legs well), but my concern was always that it would be super-difficult to get a saddle that fitted me and a relatively short-coupled pony! Interesting to know there are options out there :) look forward to seeing your pics when your saddle arrives! One last thing - I see from one of your other posts that you're also up north. Just wondering who your fitter is? Pm if you prefer :)

Tigertail, sorry, I did know there was a difference, had forgotten they are soft-treed. I do have great respect for Heather's methods etc. and think she is a wonderful rider. She's also kindly given me some advice online (I think it was you that encouraged me too get in touch, actually?). I just have a few reasons for wanting to stick with a full tree - as you can see, I am no featherweight and I am happy to admit I am not the best rider in the world (in fact, I am fairly sure I am dyspraxic), it doesn't take much to throw me off balance and I feel happier and more secure in a fully-treed saddle.:)

Porkchops, now that sounds like a fab cheap and cheerful fix if I could get it to work for me! I'm just not sure the bars on my saddle are quite long enough to do that (I reckon I'd need the strips of leather to hold the stirrup leathers back quite a bit more than 1cm...), but definitely worth a shot, thanks! :)


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20 July 2012
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It's Mary Wastie who is the fitter in my area. I am in Perthshire, where are you?

This is a 17.5 inch seat (same make as I am getting, got it on loan until mine is ready) but because it's a close contact one and has swept up something or others it doesn't go past her last rib. It was quite fascinating as a lot of 16.5 inch saddles did. It just showed me if you looked around enough and got the right fitter anything could be done. Obviously I am having to buy a new saddle but for me it is going to be worth it to have a saddle I really like.


My 16.2 tbx had a 16.5 inch synthetic saddle and that fitter told me it was the longest seat she could take. Now I realise it was the longest seat she could take that she sold/fitted else where. It was never comfortable for me!


Well-Known Member
23 September 2009
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I will be interested with replies on here too. The schleese saddles look wonderful but I can't afford one lol

I wonder what brands are able to move or extend the stirrup bars, surely if buying a new saddle the option is available on a few but it's hard to find info.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2009
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Certainly looks like a lovely saddle Ffion! I think that's the issue, there are so many variables and for some of us the "standard" saddles just don't work.

I'm down in Edinburgh, so not too far away :)

Wheels, I agree, really struggling to track that info down for most brands...


Well-Known Member
20 July 2012
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Certainly looks like a lovely saddle Ffion! I think that's the issue, there are so many variables and for some of us the "standard" saddles just don't work.

I'm down in Edinburgh, so not too far away :)

Wheels, I agree, really struggling to track that info down for most brands...

I think she covers Edinburgh too :) Definitely worth phoning her for a chat, she is a very nice lady and nothing is too much trouble, it was 60 quid to get her out, and I think she has worked with other makes too so she might have some ideas about altering your current one.