Is it possible


9 June 2017
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So I've started back taking lessons every Saturday for a few months now (I had to take a break for just under a year) but I've started worrying - will I ever be able to become a really good rider with just one lesson a week?
Due to money and time it's not really possible to do extra lessons (of course I'd go every day if I could!), but is it possible to really make progress with just one lesson per week? Or any tips to make the most out of my weekly lesson?


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13 March 2010
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I imagine it depends on the quality of your lessons! Also, do you ride a variety of horses? I haven't had a lesson for decades so you're probably already loads better than me - I'm just a happy hacker.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I think on one lesson a week you will not have fast progress, but progress can be made. Having said that, I also think you will get to a point where 1 lesson a week will hinder you further because of fitness.

When I was doing a good level of competition I had to ride more than one horse as I needed to be fit. I had 2 at home, rode 4 hours a day at work, and still had to run and swim to be fit enough. That was 3 day eventing though.

I used to tech adults from never ridden to being able to do a prelim dressage, jump a 80cm course, XC, hack on the busiest roads as well as feed, care, first aid etc, clip travel etc. and it was within 16 weeks from start to finish. Obviously that was more than 1 hour a week (it was 8 hours a day Min-Fri for the 16 weeks. We started at 1/2 hour ridden daily and worked up to 4 hrs riding daily). But, I think you could get to that level on 1 hour a week, it would just take longer.

The type of lessons will matter too. Private lessons and an appropriate horse are the best for learning quickly. But you also need to ride in a group, hack and do stable management. So 1 lesson a week is slower progress. You can help with doing the book learning at home, and being as fit as you can. Pilates is excellent.


9 June 2017
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Thanks all! Usually I take lessons with just one other person, ocassionally one or two others (last week it was just me though). I do ride a variety of horses, and I try to pick the more advanced horses when I get to decide who I ride.
Feeling a bit more confident, and the tips were very helpful!