Well-Known Member
So confused right now!!! Could really do with some advice please. Have had my horse a year. Having lessons every week for last few months and coming on well. Can walk, trot and canter and just started to jump. I am in my 40's and back into riding after last riding full time when I was 14!!! Horse was 5 in June so she and I are as green as each other!!! My query is that over last 3 weeks, she has started messing with her bit! She has a loose ring snaffle. She saw the dentist last month and all was fine. No wolf teeth - they were removed last year. She's always been mouthy and chews a lot on her bit but recently she's got worse. She's now getting her tongue over the bit and shaking her head! Not a lot but it's a new thing. Is the problem with the bit or could it be my riding style??? My instructor has actually said my seat etc has really improved but so why now does my horse do this???? Help!!!!