7 October 2009 #1 L loginn Well-Known Member Joined 7 October 2009 Messages 72 Visit site I have heard that if you go hunting and are new u will be blooded? When foxes blood is put on u or somthing?? =S
I have heard that if you go hunting and are new u will be blooded? When foxes blood is put on u or somthing?? =S
7 October 2009 #2 S spacefaer Well-Known Member Joined 3 March 2009 Messages 5,841 Location Shropshire Visit site Traditionally yes but now no - we are now trail hunting not catching foxes.
7 October 2009 #3 L loginn Well-Known Member Joined 7 October 2009 Messages 72 Visit site Ahhhh cooool thanksss was abit worriedd!
8 October 2009 #4 combat_claire Well-Known Member Joined 29 February 2004 Messages 1,904 Location Cambridgeshire www.freewebs.com And the practice had pretty much fallen by the wayside even in the years leading up to the ban.
10 October 2009 #5 U upsadazy New User Joined 2 October 2009 Messages 5 Visit site Yes, this is true. In many hunts it's still commonplace.
10 October 2009 #6 combat_claire Well-Known Member Joined 29 February 2004 Messages 1,904 Location Cambridgeshire www.freewebs.com I think you will find that it really isn't common practice these days. Pre-ban some adults have been known to request it, but the huntsman would never do it without consent.
I think you will find that it really isn't common practice these days. Pre-ban some adults have been known to request it, but the huntsman would never do it without consent.