Going to try keep this as short as possible as I could go on for hours! I have a cob mare who has some behaviour issues, a number of which I believe stem from ulcers. She was treated for ulcers this year which I believe she'd had for a while but flared up due to her fracturing her pelvis. It was during rehab that the ulcer behaviour ended up at its worst so we don't even know if she would come back into work successfully after the fracture. She was treated for her ulcers which took 3 months, GG, sucralfate, and injectable omeprazole and even after 3 months of these different treatments there was very little difference in her ulcers so the vets said to just leave it and see if her behaviour continued to be better as it did improve while on treatment. However within two weeks of stopping she was back to being very unhappy. The treatment obviously doesn't work for her and we have no insurance money left so is there really any point in trying that again? The pain from her ulcers makes her very grumpy in the stable when being groomed, and she jumps out of her field constantly for seemingly no reason but it appears to be to do with the pain as she didn't do it while getting treatment. She is very difficult to deal with because of this and I'm just waiting for the day we get told to leave the livery yard as she causes problems for other people taking their horses in and out. Money is a factor, but also she just isn't happy, I couldn't sell her as a project as god knows if she could even come back into work if by some miracle they found a way to get rid of her ulcers. And she couldn't be sold as a field companion since she doesn't stay in the field. So what other option would I have if we are asked to leave the yard? Am I being horrible by thinking PTS may be an option?