Is sensitivity to the ear and to accepting the bit connected ?


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1 August 2015
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My horse is unwilling to accept the BIT on the same side as where he is extremely sensitive to touch to his ear! He may even have a balance issue as he tends to fall to the same side at halt and lush his shouldn't TO the opposite side when on a left circle.
Anyone familiar with what this cc o uhh of be?
The more tense the worse.
This has persisted for 10 years plus !


Well-Known Member
29 July 2015
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Hi Mettenorup :) Welcome to the forum. I'm quite new too. Unfortunately I can't help you with your query but I think you might want to re-post it in 'The Tack Room' as lots more people go in there so it's more likely to be seen! :)

Peregrine Falcon

Hoping for drier days
1 July 2008
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Hello and welcome. Am assuming you have done the normal, teeth, back/neck and tack checks? Has vet attended horse too?

Also thing that does does get overlooked is the browband. Is it wide enough? It not it can pinch the ears, thus making bridling difficult and the horse uncomfortable.


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24 October 2011
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I have a 4 year old, special needs type, that has been broken over the summer. From the moment he arrived with me he had issues with his ears. Headcollar had to be done up on his crest and very quietly slid upwards for instance.

The people that are breaking him for me spent a long time trying to get him to accept his ears being touched. Interestingly he would allow the right ear to be handled but the left was an issue. He panicked if a hand approached from behind the ear but fully accepted hands up his face and onto the front of the ear and poll. This made no sense to us as most head/ear shy horses hate being approached from the front.

A padded headpiece was used and the bridle built up the front of his face to avoid trying to pull anything over his ears. He improved but when ridden in anything more than a walk on a left handed large circle he would fold his left ear backwards and press it against his skull, at the same time he would drift right handed and curl his neck to the left. On hot days he would shake his head slightly.

We put him in a micklem, which a very kind HHo member lent me and then very generously gave to me plus a ear hat. That improved him no end. I wanted him investigated because he is a huge and very powerful horse, only 4 and rather anxious in his outlook. I was worried if he really got upset he may go over or clear off.

Teeth were a little sharp and caps moving, sedated and sorted that, plus a good look in his ears, nothing abnormal. Chiro found a couple of tight spots but nothing significant. So work continued and he was gently pushed forwards when he did his ear curling performances and I am delighted that he has almost given up with it now.

We are open minded as to the cause and who knows what the future holds, but he is going well now and taking the contact forwards.
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