Wow, that's huge if it is!
With normal horsefly bites you can usually gently massage them down a bit, and the horse enjoys it, but might be worth waiting for some more opinions before trying that.
Wow. I've never seen a reaction that big and MrT had some whoppers last year I thought.
Is it warm? I think I would apply a cold pack for some relief and keep a very close eye. Any change for the worse and I'd probably phone a vet for that. Just for reassurance in the first instance but I'd worry about it turning to an abscess or cellulitis.
Has he got anything round which has been painted or chemicals? That is huge and not seen a horse fly bite that size and shape before. To me it looks more like a reaction to something he has lent against, or laid on.
Thought it may be an allergic reaction to a bite maybe, the only time I encountered that before was when my mare was covered in these and I had the vet out for anti histamine injection but she was in a right mess from a swarm of midges after riding through a wood.
No nothing in field Totally electric used the same fly repellant spray I’ve always used, I’ve been hosing it to cool it down, not sensitive to touch and not bothering him weird. I’ve had him 6 years and never usually needed even a fly rug before but they are doing the crops so more flies that usual. Could it be a wasp sting maybe
I doubt you'll figure out exactly what caused it to be honest. And I'm not sure it matters unless it happens again. Although it's an interesting question unless there's a stinger still stuck in it or a tick attached it doesn't change the course of action. If it hot then I'd definitely keep a very close eye on it. Can you draw round it so you can see if it is expanding?
Having had to retire my mare from the long term affects of Lymes I would be a little concerned that might be a circular rash from a tic. I have no idea if horses get the bullseye, my mare didn't but it does look like such a perfect circle, is there a smaller inner circle at all? Is there any sign in the middle of a puncture or possible suggestion of a tic being attached there at any stage?
I thought I would try holding a hot poultice on it to see if it draws anything out I had a pony many years ago that had a warble fly bite and a hot water bottle drew it out I’ll see what it’s like tomorrow and phone vet if it gets worse for their opinion, it’s strange that it appeared when he had a fly rug on though just shows flies can get underneath them unless they the boet type
No all electric tape inside fence post and he’s terrified of electric so not likely to rub on them it is on 24/7 and he had fly rug on and there are no marks on the fly rug. I have a feeling it is hives which is allergic reaction to fly bite or sting and it should clear in 24 hours, hosing will help to reduce the swelling will definitely keep an eye on it, hives usually affects the whole horse but there are cases where there are only a few raised lumps visible, 2 days ago we topped the weeds and nettles in the paddock so could have disturbed some nests of insects I’d forgot about that as we do it on a regular basis to allow the grass through.
The swelling has gone down and there is a definite bite there here is 2 pictures taken today 1st one while he’s eating breakfast in field, and a second picture after I had cleaned it and bathed it, I have just put purple spray on it and hopefully that should be ok
Could it be an early sign of Lyme disease? The 'bullseye' mark that is seen in humans can also occur in horses although it doesn't show up in the same way as the skin is obviously covered by hair. It's the bite mark and surrounding reaction that makes me think that. I might just be being over-dramatic though. The link below shows what it looks like on human skin - his reaction looks similar (but hidden if you see what I mean) to me
That’s interesting so will keep a close eye on it there was a smaller one on the other side and that has cleared up completely, I know ticks can be seen on dogs and human limbs but this is so far up on his rump he won’t have had contact with anything that the ticks are on but definitely worth watching he’s full of beans at the moment and eating and performing well so hasn’t affected his deamener thanks for all the help from you all been very enlightening
My boy used to react like this to horsefly bites - they were the size of dinner plates. I ended up putting him in a sweet itch rug in summer as a normal fly sheet didn’t stop them ?
Yes he had a ordinary fly rug on when he was bitten we don’t usually get bothered with flies we’re we are but this year has been the worst with intermittent rain and warm weather I use leovet phaser and don’t usually have any bother but I think I’m on my 5th spray this year.