I've done it now wibbles and excitement


Well-Known Member
22 August 2004
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I have arranged to go cubbing on Saturday and newcomers meet on Thursday

Never been before and not being one of the younger members either.

I rang secretary of local hunt, had a good long chat, he was so friendly and helpful I agreed to give it a go. Have been secretly dying to go for a couple of years BUT knew neither me nor my horse was ready to even try, as I was a little nervous of really opening him up in company in case he would not stop as soon as I asked. Now I am not so bothered if he doesn't stop immediately so I am going

Any tips for a first timer??


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Enjoy yourself!

For a first time it might be an idea to put a green ribbon on the tail to denote a 'novice horse'; this way hopefully people won't crowd you or expect you to do anything you're not ready for.

Golden rule - Always turn your horse to face hounds so even unintentionally, it can't kick at them as they go past.
Don't be late, allow yourself plenty of time to get there and get aboard.
Make yourself known to the Secretary; with any luck, they'll find someone knowledgable who you can tag along with to start.
Be a 'nice' person willing to help if you are needed but explain it's your first time if necessary and that you haven't a clue; it would be much better appreciated than if you took on something beyond your capabilities.
Have your cap money ready, don't have to faff around with changing it.
Be neat and tidy whatever you are wearing - if it's still Autumn Hunting, then it's tweed; once the season starts it will be black/navy.

There are bound to be things I've missed I'm sure but they are the basics.

Above all, have a great time and keep smiling!


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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Everything as above and main thing i would say, is leave when your having fun ie leave on a go note for horse, as sometimes staying out to to long can blow ggs minds.
At meet take note of who is field master of day and follow their instructions. Also at meet look around for naughty or excited horses and keep a note and avoid them

and have a lovely time