I've seen it all now...RANT!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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I have just this minute got in from putting my horse to bed...it is 8.20pm and about pitch black outside my window. As I was pulling onto my drive I heard horses trotting on the road and looked to see two idiots riding horses on a fairly busy country lane!!! God I cannot believe that anyone would be so silly...unless they are on a death wish of course!
To add insult to injury because they had obviously got caught out with the light dropping...they had not one stitch of flourescent on and were riding at a very fast trot (in a rush) TWO...yes...TWO abreast!!! So any poor s*d coming round the corner in a car does not stand a chance of missing them on one of the several blind bends we have on that road...and how will they hear the car with the wind and noise of their horses trotting????? Oh and they are locals as I recognised them and have a further 1 mile to go before getting home safely.
Sorry, rant over...some people want their brains examined!


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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I had a similar thing on Sunday night, coming back from my 2 at 7.30 and there were 2 young girls (13ish certainly no older) riding along on dark horses with dark clothes on along a busyish lane. When i went to pass them they pulled into a little track so I stopped and said that they blended in really well to the trees and should wear some high viz. I got that typical 'look' from a kid with attitude and told that there high viz was back at their yard!!! fat lot of good it is there


Well-Known Member
14 June 2006
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I was out riding the other night and got caught out in the almost dark.I was wearing my flourescents though but I still worried about the what ifs and the short bit of road I had to travel on which is a straight bit of country lane.Some people just have no common sense. I must admit I would never be without my flourescents anyway but driving home the other night there were some workmen on a main road in the pitch dark using stop and go signs wearing flourescent jackets on an unlit part of the road on a bend and I still didn't see them til I was almost on top of them.It was lucky I was going slowly anyway but that has made me think well if I couldn't see them then how on earth do drivers spot a rider on a dark horse with no flourescents.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2004
very worrying although there could have been a reason for this, okay two abreast is silly. For example, last week we had an event and classes finished about 6.30 ish, one poor girl had tried for an hour to get her horse loaded, to no avail. I went over to assist for a while but it became evident that this horse was not going to load no matter what. In the end the girl and a friend had to hack home, inevitably being out when dusk. I know they would have taken all safety precautions and probably got a lot of hisses whilst on the way, but they really had no other option. and of course, they had not come prepared with flouresents.
Luckily they got home safely and horses non the worst for it.
I suppose the moral of the story is dib dib scounts honour 'be prepared' for all eventuality.

best regards