jacket hire?


Well-Known Member
5 February 2006
Lewes, East Sussex
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I've been having weekly lessons for about a year following a decade long break from the saddle, and have finally gotten back into the swing of things and built my confidence back up.

A friend of mine has been posting pics to Facebook of days out hunting that he's been participating in, on a hired mount. I wouldn't mind giving it a go myself, but with the cost of subs and the hireling am unlikely to be able to afford more than one or two days this season - and as I've just been having lessons I don't have any formal riding wear.

I don't want to buy long boots, a jacket and a stock etc just for one day's hunting, so is it possible to hire or borrow the attire for the day? I have a pair of cream jhods and can probably find a suitable shirt.

Is it possible to wear half chaps or gaiters to turn short boots into long boots?



Well-Known Member
3 March 2009
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half chaps and boots are fine - my best suggestion would be to try ebay for 2nd hand tweed jackets - you'll be perfectly appropriately dressed in ratcatcher and you can then wear a shirt and tie if you'd rather :)

Let us know how you get on!


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2 October 2013
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I've been having weekly lessons for about a year following a decade long break from the saddle, and have finally gotten back into the swing of things and built my confidence back up.

A friend of mine has been posting pics to Facebook of days out hunting that he's been participating in, on a hired mount. I wouldn't mind giving it a go myself, but with the cost of subs and the hireling am unlikely to be able to afford more than one or two days this season - and as I've just been having lessons I don't have any formal riding wear.

I don't want to buy long boots, a jacket and a stock etc just for one day's hunting, so is it possible to hire or borrow the attire for the day? I have a pair of cream jhods and can probably find a suitable shirt.

Is it possible to wear half chaps or gaiters to turn short boots into long boots?


I started hunting last season. First time I went out I phoned the secretary before hand, and asked if I could come, explained I did not have the correct kit.
She was very understanding said no problem look as smart as you can.

Most people are very pleasant and know that it is a big outlay for something you are not sure you will do again.

Make sure your horse is well turned out however, as that only takes time and effort, and is noticed and appreciated.

If they aren't friendly and understanding find another hunt!


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Any black or dark blue show jacket will do fine and you should be able to get one off eBay for very little money. Buy it big and wear jumpers to keep warm if it's a thin one :)


Well-Known Member
5 February 2006
Lewes, East Sussex
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thanks guys. I managed to pick one up on ebay for £25, and have cobbled together the other bits and pieces for not too much cash either. Getting excited now - now that I've committed to buying some kit I'll have to go and won't be able to wuss out!