The interesting point about Barrington, and his stance, and I'll admit to reading between his lines, is that his previously held views of many who Hunt, remain unchanged. Where I suspect, his view has changed is in that his entirely correct attitude is now that the general well being of our vulpine population, is better for being hunted. The lacs have derided him by suggesting that his new paymasters, the CA, have somehow bastardised his views. I suspect that Barrington's view has returned, thankfully, to the basic care of our wildlife. He's a man who isn't alone in his opinions.
I know but his current views seem quite pro-hunt. I mostly agree with his article, I was more wondering if he had kept his anti-hunting views but moderated his methods if that makes sense.
Have heard him speak a couple of times now, is very good, and certainly wouldn't say he is anti hunt, now is knows more about it. Is anti animal cruelty.
Yes - Barrington is motivated by the desire to improve animal welfare, and is not necessarily 'pro-hunt' as much as he is pro the use of scenting hounds for selective wildlife management. Interestingly he is still a vegetarian.
Last night I had a fairly extended 'chat' with a girl who I found on the wmhs (or something like that), anyway, she was quoting those who she felt would be able to support her daftness, whilst constantly referring to those who Hunt in the most derogatory terms, and when I offered her Barrington's interesting article, she flatly refused to even look at it!
When I enquired as to how they justify their loutish and offensive treatment of those ladies who Hunt, but more specifically children, they were strangely reticent and had little to say! The entertainment could be justly described as 'sport'!
I always find Jim Barrington's views very measured and considered. The whole hunt/hunt sabs debate is highly polarised with each side convinced of their view. In a way I do have a sort of regard for these poor bedraggled youngsters out on the moor hopefully tooting their horns whilst hounds blithely ignore them, whilst chuckling to myself at the same time. I hunt, yes it is cruel but no crueller than nature herself so I find it fits in with my view of life. If they want to worry about human made cruelty then live animal transport or abattoirs should be considered but hunting is an easy target with the added frissance of 'class war'.
Funny thing life