Well-Known Member
Just a silly post really but have been with my boyfriend a long time and had my horses since before I was with him and everything used to be fine he was good, came down yard and was understanding when I was out on a long hack or at a show but since we've moved in together it's all gone a bit pear shaped! He's still good with the horses but has started moaning that he's cooking all the time and cleaning and I do do these things but probably not as much as I should!! He also said the words "everything revolves aorund the horses!!!" I feel slightly bad because I suppose it does really, I don't make much of an effort to do other things and I've never been that fussed about ironing etc. but I'm finding it hard to do everything and working too and think he maybe expects too much!! I'm not sure just wondered if any of you lovely ladies had any tips?!!!!