Another thing that works for some horses is a thick bit of sheepskin round the horses noseband, the idea being that the horse then has to lower it's head to see over it.
i used a pelham i did find with my horse it was slighlty to stron but did bring his head down i am currently trying a hanging cheek dont reli no wat to expect :S
I use a tom thumb which adds poll pressure to lower the head and steadies my boy up on a xc course- i only use it for xc the rest of the time in a snaffle.
Think the sheepskin noseband cover sounds a great idea, will definitely try it, thank you. I have been using the neue schule jumper bit (with lozenge, not waterford mouthpiece) with the leather curb as the kimblewick rubbed his face and curb too but the leather one does as well so I can't win!
pelham, it was suggested to me on here and i avoided it as worried about it being to severe, in the end i borrowed one and it was the best thing i did the horse is alot more responsive. head isn't in the air all the time and i have more control over the jumps.
i would try and borrow one before you buy as some horses don't like them