Jumping exercises


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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My Ned's a bit keen over jumps - tends to rush them. Think it's as a result of having several keen teenagers riding him over the years. Now he's just got me and I'm a middle aged wimp ! So really I don't want to rush at jumps but approach them in a calm and considered way. He has no problem clearing them, he jumps beautifully, but when he does get away with rushing, that's when we can have problems. And there can be some excited bouncing up and down and throwing about of head if I attempt to check him. It's usually only a mild temper tantrum but I could do without any. Anyone got any ideas of schooling exercises that I can use to get him to slow down a bit???


Well-Known Member
4 January 2006
North Yorkshire
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Poles on the ground until he goes over them totally calmly, then same with small jumps.

Halting in a straight line after the fence (never before) can help.

Poles on the take-off and landing side to make him look where he is putting his feet (approx 9ft out on take-off side and 11ft out on landing but see what he finds comfortable and then gradually move them in a bit).

Jumps in a line with an option to go right, left or through the middle so he has to listen to you.

And grids of course.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2005
Argggggentina at the moment
What Rambo said
SillyMare has some very good suggestions too. Also, lots of flatwork to get him as balanced as possible- I don't know if this is the case with your boy, but PF used to rush at jumps because she was unbalanced and it was easier for her to go hell for leather.
Try not to 'hang on to him' either (again, don't know if this is the case, but just in case... ) as some horses fight this and try to go faster.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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All sensible sounding stuff thanks! Think I'll need to get me some more poles though. We are doing flatwork too and he is becoming more balanced so looks like we're doing the right thing there. And I do hang on to him I'm afraid and he does fight it and go faster. I think more jumping will help me with that. He does jump well so I just need to trust him and let him go a bit. I think stopping in a straight line would be a good idea with him too. Great thanks. Will put all these exercises into practice.