Posted that question in the freezemarking post but not sure it will be read: All horses in France have to be micochipped for identification now; how about at your end ?
Yes it is. Absolutely painless for the horse and hassle free to get done (in half a second !) and very secure as a means for identification, against stealing, etc...
We have no choice here, they've made it mandatory.
I *think* all weatherbys reg horses born after 1.1.00 have to be microchipped which I think is a really good idea - where m.c. is failing here is because not everyone has it so not everyone would think to scan for one but if all horses had them then....
We have started microchipping all our foals, as I feel it will be compulsory soon.
This would be a far better method of identification, just microchip and a standard passport with enough room for breeding society details.
As it is the passport thing is a fiasco..
Well then, I guess it's going to be the standard ID system for all horses but it will only be effective if everyone in the EU is adopting it. As we know, with the free circulation of people and goods (horses !), it is still pretty easy to steal a horse and take him across borders in some areas.
A big pb here is the traffic of pups from Eastern Europe with these poor little things traveling in appalling conditions and a high percentage of them dying of thirst, hunger, lack of hygiene, deseases, etc... before arrival.
I think there was talk at some point about making it mandatory here. I had Harv done and it cost me 14 quid. I had it done when the vet came for his yearly jabs, so didn't have to pay the call out fee again as well.
It did make him really stiff in his neck for a day or so though. And I was told you should have it checked every year to make sure it hasn't moved.