Just had a really pants lesson :-(


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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My mare seems ok in herself (despite her upset belly) so we had our lesson tonight. From the moment I brought her in from the field I knew it was going to be a bad one. She was jumpy and in one of her moods, always a bad sign.

Our 10 minute hack to the yard was fine, she seemed to settle down and chill out. Until we got in the menage that is
she was ultra responsive, spooky, no constant rhythm, would not listen to me, would not bend basically she was a little monkey.

I was trying to get her to bend round my leg but all she kept doing was falling in, I then have a bad habit of trying to pull her back out and all that does is gets her to put her head to the outside and we end up wiggling all over the place. My instructor then showed me how to do leg yeilds to try and get her to move away from my leg and this helped.... maked my legs ache though!!

We then had a few lovely canters on the left rein but right rein was a different matter, she would not go on the correct leg for love nor money. In the end we gave up and went back to the left rein so we finished on a good note. Oh no, she was having none of it and started going on the wrong leg there as well. Finally I got her to soften and calm down and she went on the right leg.

We finished off with some poles but again she did not listen to me at all, just wanted to go her own wayand kept dropping her head right down trying to get away from any contact. I got a telling off for giving her a pull on the mouth trying to get her attention

We had a spritly walk home but an obedient one so that was ok. I have got another lesson booked for Friday, lets hope its better than tonights

No point to this post really just wanted to get it off my chest. We are hacking out with my friend in the morning so lets hope she is better in the morning


Well-Known Member
28 October 2005
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Thanks, I hope so. She can do it, its me that I blame. She is very intelligent and 'speaks several languages' and I obviously was not speaking the correct one tonight and she was bored with me

I normally come away from my lesson buzzing but it didn't go well today... oh well lets hope my languages are more fluent on Friday LOL


Well-Known Member
7 January 2006
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sounds alot like my day, tried doing flatwork on my horse ready for dressage on saterday but he was being totally unresponsive and wouldnt bend on the left rein, which made his canter awful, i got very worked up and so did he so i walked him round on a loose rein and called it a day. horses cant be perfect all the time, like humans they have "off days". im just hoping it was an off day in our case