Just want to say...........


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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that I'm missing my hunting like mad, and I hope that EVERYONE has a really good season and thoroughly enjoys themselves.

I don't bother to post in here much because someone else has usually said what I want to far better than I would.

I know they hunt over here but I have yet to find a mounted pack, shooting is far more the thing in this neck of the woods as far as I can see, but I have to have a quiet giggle over all the fluorescent gear everyone wears (I can understand the reasoning behind it) I was watching them hunting the bush infront of my house last Saturday, any self respecting deer would have seen those jackets and got out of there....in fact they did, into my paddocks. No one has asked if they can hunt our woods yet, but we'd have to say No, sadly, because I have children and dogs running around, not to mention the alpacas which I'd hate to have mistaken as deer on a misty morning.

Sara, have a great time and keep posting the photos.

Happy hunting everyone, and especially the Welsh packs, there's nothing like being on one of those mountains watching hounds work below you, I envy you.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Gosh you must be feeling it, I would hate to have a winter with no hunting, wouldn't feel the same. Many good hunting vibes sent your way chicken. x


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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It's like having my toys taken away and the only thing I miss at all.
It was OK to CHOOSE not to go out if I didn't want to :( but to have no choice......ah well. I shall rely on you all for lots of photos.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Just back from a good day with a Welsh pack....ner ner ner ner!!

I'm only joking, are you having fun? Not tried Kyote (spl?) hunting then?

I hope you're all settled..new place looks fab!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Just back from a good day with a Welsh pack....ner ner ner ner!!

I'm only joking, are you having fun? Not tried Kyote (spl?) hunting then?

I hope you're all settled..new place looks fab!

Ha! Trying to make me jealous eh? It's working.

Yes thanks, sort of settled, although it will be better when I actually have some horses in, right now I've got flu, so it's quite good NOT to have to go and do horses at all, just stay in and throw another log on the fire and flick through a hundred boring channels just to end up watching Emmerdale!

We have coyotes in our woods, I actually saw one mooching across the lawn a couple of nights ago, the farm dog was in and was going ballistic trying to chew through the door, but when I let him out he pounded around the barn and then galloped straight back in and into his bed, all big slobbery grins and an air of "job well done" where's my biscuit?

Still haven't decided what he is but he reminds me of an otterhound.See post in dogs