New User
Hi, I'm new to this but here goes....
I live in Albury, Guildford & I have 3/4 horses & 2 mini Shetlands & will be loosing my home & stabling in May so am looking for somewhere to move them. Either some land, a stable/ yard to rent or a livery yard that does assisted DIY or part livery. Has anyone got any ideas. I say 3 to 4 horses as I do need to find a loan home for my little section A/Arab! Thanks Karen
I live in Albury, Guildford & I have 3/4 horses & 2 mini Shetlands & will be loosing my home & stabling in May so am looking for somewhere to move them. Either some land, a stable/ yard to rent or a livery yard that does assisted DIY or part livery. Has anyone got any ideas. I say 3 to 4 horses as I do need to find a loan home for my little section A/Arab! Thanks Karen