keeping a lid on an 'exuberant' type


Well-Known Member
24 August 2013
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I would appreciate any advice on how to hunt an overly enthused type and how to bring them on into a reasonably mannered beast. I have an ISH, approaching 8 yo, had him since he was 5. He has always been a bit of a pratt, so has dented my confidence which means we have spent far too long faffing around and not progressing at the speed I shouldve liked. Id hoped to be hunting this year. He likes a buck and a leap about when excited, generally in the warm up at shows or hacking in groups, i am fairly certain he has hunted in Ireland. In an world I'd like to hunt him, however would rather not part company with him and dent my progress with my confidence or get banned from joining the hunt again if he causes a scene !
I am not really sure whether to go cubbing or chuck him in the deep end or maybe ride him before going out and only staying for a short while/building up a succession of short well behaved trips (generally he only tits about when fresh, it tends to work off him) our local hunt are meeting next door on Wednesday so I may get a chance to ask them for advice on a good meet to start with. I sometimes serve the stirrup cup and have been invited to join but id just be so embarrassed if the asbo horse played me up. Hes not too fit so I am not too concerned about him getting up the front or past the master, more so the first fresh part of the morning!
Any experience or suggestions very much appreciated.


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3 March 2009
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Make him tired!

Work him hard in the week preceding -so that he doesn't care if there are other horses or hounds about.

Give him a syringe of calmer on the morning -no shame in that -plenty of hunting people do it -and it gives him a chance to enjoy himself and be sensible too :)


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15 October 2007
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Hi I would start with cubbing and do as you said - little and often. I have one that can be a bit of an arse sometimes and I am hoping to bore him into good behaviour by going out a couple of times a week.

Can you get someone to 'nanny' you both? It may help to keep him settled and distract you from worrying!

If you think he may buck - try to keep him at the back.

Good luck. I am sure you will have a wonderful time and make lots of new friends :)


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24 October 2011
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I had one just the same some years ago.

He was taken every morning until he behaved himself. He did 2 mornings with the Worcestershire, 2 with the Croome which are my local packs and then we went further afield to the Cotswold packs. On the Sunday he did a fun ride and then back hunting on the Monday.

He and I were knackered but it made him and he never looked back. He did 16 seasons.

Happy Hunter

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24 April 2010
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As said before - plan a week ahead - hack his 'pants' off! make him tired and possibly bored of the whole thing!
Perhaps try a few fun rides where you can experiment with brakes, handles and sticky jods.
I would hack him for a couple of miles to the meet - just to get the edge off - unboxing and standing ina field of new friends is far too exciting!
I'm sure he will be great - enjoy!

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
Agree about hacking to the meet if possible. My last horse was a seasoned hunter and very excitable because he knew what was coming, and thought he knew everything there was to know. He was always better if I could hack to a meet - I've hacked 5 miles before now and he was better behaved. He usually settled within an hour though so as long as I could hang on for that long, we'd have a pretty good day.

Do work him hard beforehand, and I've been known to lunge in the morning too if I can't hack to the meet. Try some fun rides so you can experiment with bits and brakes. Cubbing is definitely the way forward to begin with. Once he's been a few times I'm sure he'll realise it's actually quite hard work and settle down. Mine was always a sh** for the first couple of outings but fine as long as I could go regularly.

Christmas Crumpet

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30 August 2007
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Having a nanny is a great idea whilst you are there. Saying that, I was a nanny today and my horse behaved far worse than the youngster we were nannying. Quite embarrassing really!!

If you can take them and then do every day you can, they soon get bored and learn how to behave. Totally agree with a shot of calmer. It will probably do more for your confidence than the horse but that is a huge help!!


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Having a nanny is a great idea whilst you are there. Saying that, I was a nanny today and my horse behaved far worse than the youngster we were nannying. Quite embarrassing really!!

If you can take them and then do every day you can, they soon get bored and learn how to behave. Totally agree with a shot of calmer. It will probably do more for your confidence than the horse but that is a huge help!!

Yes, I wonder sometimes whether the calmer is more for the rider than the horse! I bought myself some rescue remedy last year but still haven't tried it - took them with me on Sat but ofc forgot in all the last minute nerves and prep lol.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2013
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thank you all for your advice.
I hadn't thought of a calmer...good idea !!
I have decided today that rather than let him sod me around the first few times I am going to ask someone else to take him that is a stronger rider and then once he has settled into it I will hopefully have the confidence to take him out every week (he does well with routine so I think as commented that will bore him into good behavior to a degree). Hunting my old mare was the making of our partnership so I hope this will be the case with him, and as I hope to have him until his old days and would like to hunt a lot in the future I think its probably worth getting him going well from the beginning. I think hacking to the meet would probably be the best course of action for him as well. Fingers crossed I will make it out this season.