Keeping mare calm at shows??


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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Hello, just looking for a bit of advice on keeping my mare calm at shows... She had been to a few to watch and then I did a clear round in the summer (well it feels like it is no longer summer!). She was calm at the clear round although had a paddy at someone with a rucksack on. Anyway did our first class today- all pretty calm until it came to leaving the ring and she turned into a loon! It was obviously coming out into the crowds of people/horses. She leaps on the spot and sometimes half stands up (oh-oh). I am hoping its just time, but of course it does put me off as I am worried about her doing some damage to someone! Any tips appreciated (she is a young TB so I am wondering if this is just how she will be forever!). Thanks...


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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Just so as you cover yourself, tie a green ribbon onto your horses tail so as everyone can see that she is a young green horse. Just keep taking her out as Super Kat has said. If you are concerned, just try giving her some Temperalax to take the edge off her the night before a show. I`m sure that she will get better in time, it is just like kids getting excited when they can see all their friends in the playground! They soon get used to it.