See the link on Facebook, filming the ride go past, a scooter rider tries to buzz past between 3 horses and a central traffic island, not even room for a cycle to get through. Clips island and scooter clips a led horse, which kicks out and several horses scatter.
The cause of the loose horses was a pig ignorant scooter rider ???
Have added link to the page in my post now. Horrifying viewing!That’s even more ridiculous. Wish the horse hadn’t missed him!
See the link on Facebook, filming the ride go past, a scooter rider tries to buzz past between 3 horses and a central traffic island, not even room for a cycle to get through. Clips island and scooter clips a led horse, which kicks out and several horses scatter. Scroll down on this page for both¬if_t=feed_comment
The cause of the loose horses was a pig ignorant scooter rider ???
I don't see that the same way, I'm not sure if the other rider is in an army uniform. Can't say they are unaware from the picture.the second pic on that link is interesting. It shows one of the escapees and on the other side of the road a girl riding. She and her horse are oblivious to the horse running behind them.
I don't see that the same way, I'm not sure if the other rider is in an army uniform. Can't say they are unaware from the picture.
You can't see enough of whether there is anyone else about or what they are doing to get a full picture of what is happening.but if a loose horse was coming down the road behind you wouldn't you try to stop it.
I’m guessing this is another example of we don’t know the full story. A horn beeping, even incessantly, shouldn’t have caused that much upset in the horses.
Depends. If the KT were exercising remounts, ie the newer younger horses, London life even out at Woolwich will be a far cry from life at Melton. Remember they usually ride out three in hand too.
The KT horses tend to be a lot fitter and sharper than the HCav. They've also had the best part of a year off from their usual job so it might not have taken as much as it usually would to set something off.