I own knabstruppers - started off with 1 now don't like to count!! They are fantastic horses with amazing temperaments. Mine are intelligent and always eager to please. They form strong bonds with their owners and are very responsive. My gelding Sheik had a write up (and photo!!) in the dressage section of this week's horse and hound after having won the advanced medium area festival at Step by Step. He is only 8 years old and I have owned him since he was two. He was the youngest horse in the class so we were very proud of him. We also own his father and brother who are both entire and stand at stud. If you would like to know any more infomation about this breed I'd be happy to help.
I own knabstruppers - started off with 1 now don't like to count!! They are fantastic horses with amazing temperaments. Mine are intelligent and always eager to please. They form strong bonds with their owners and are very responsive. My gelding Sheik had a write up (and photo!!) in the dressage section of this week's horse and hound after having won the advanced medium area festival at Step by Step. He is only 8 years old and I have owned him since he was two. He was the youngest horse in the class so we were very proud of him. We also own his father and brother who are both entire and stand at stud. If you would like to know any more infomation about this breed I'd be happy to help.
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Can we see some pics of yours???? I have a baby one!
Anyone own one? What are their temperaments like and are they slow to mature (physically and mentally)?
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I have got several too - they are addictive!! I don't compete mine as I mainly breed and just don't get the time but they are a fantastic, easy and trainable breed. Have a look at mine if you like! www.tresaisonstud.co.uk
Knabstruppers are some real characters and known for their intelligence.
Some lines need a bit longer in maturing.
If you own a Knabstrupper once, that's it. You are caught!
I breed them for nearly 20 years and I can't stop my passion for them.
Enjoy some more photos by looking at my website (sorry, most of the text is not translated, but I think the photos speak for themselves). http://www.knabstrupper-of-independence.de
I have a 2 1/2 year old by Faust, Ive had him since he was 6 months, chose him at 2 becaused I was impressed by his bold, brave and inquisitive nature- even at that age.
My boy is chestnut blanket spot, 16hh at the moment. As already said about the breed, he is very intelligent!