il probably get shot down for this, but a lot of people go through what she 'went through' - just because shes in the public eye dosent make it any harder for her than it is for anyone else.
Obviously i hope she gets better soon and manages to carry on with her tour tho.
but people already 'understand' it - its not like its uncommon. and tbh it hasnt really brought it to the fore, its just been made known that shes had/has it.
like i said dont get me wrong i think shes very brave but like i said above a lot of people go through what she has.
I think Sammyj was just stating that she (Kylie) like anybody else who has had that doesnt then deserve to feel ill again.
Whether it be Kylie or anybody else, its just we happen to know more about Kylie and how she is feeling at every step as she is in teh publice eye, therefore talked about generally.
i think Kylies breast cancer caused a bit of a panic, in younger women, apparently thousands were rushing to the doctor for checks when they heard about it.
I think it certainly made younger women more aware, which can only be a good thing
No, I agree and also hope she gets better soon. In some ways the amount of support she received from the public may have been a double edged sword; it must have been wonderful to have had to much attention, but she probably also felt under pressure to get back to work asap. I think cancer is a great leveller, it doesn't matter if you are rich and famous or not, it is still a dreadful thing to deal with and she seemed very dignified throughout. Not a huge fan of her music but really wish her well again soon.
Agree Sooty, however I was surprised to see her performance cancellations featuring on the night time news over the weekend - is that how dumbed down the news really is these days?
cancer is a horrible disease, watched my father die from it when i was a young age puts shivers up my spine when i hear anyone has had it and take my hat off to anyone who recovers from it.
Of course hope she gets better soon, and she has been through a horrible ordeal, But sorry, think it was ridiculous to do a tour so early, ignoring the advice of her doctors. So many people have been left dissapointed ect and the whole cancellation thing was handled disgracefully (my mum was at the manchester concert on saturday). Get well soon, and sympathy to the thousand of people who have lost loved ones through it, who were not in the media spotlight. shame it takes a celeb to make people give in *hit in some ways. sorry, all just my opinion xx
Yes and no - what many young women don't realise is that mammograms are not designed for women under 50 - breast tissue is much denser in your 20s and 30s, and mammograms are considered unrelaible for this age group, resulting in a lot of unnecessary treatment for false positives, and giving inaccurate all clears for others. It is also unclear if extra invasive diagnostic techniques can make cancer more likely (annacdotal evidence suggests it may) and scarring from procedures can make future mammograms harder to read.
I was guilty of this too, until a third case of breast cancer in my family sent me rushing to the doctors where I found out more about diagnosis and treatment in young women. Self examination is by far the best thing women can do, and of course any lump warrents a trip to the docs for a professional opinion (although most turn out to be cycsts, inflammed milk ducts or other non-cancerous lumps)
Something I am considering (still, 6 months on) is the possibility of having a digital mammogram, which works better than conventional mammorgrams on denser breast tissue as a baseline - the part I cannot decide on is whether I am brave enough to NOT have anything done if any lumps show up on the first one (the idea being that you have one later on, and see if there are changes - changes being the bad thing rather than the prescence of a lump itself)