Laminitis & Cushings


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12 February 2015
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Can any one help with a ongoing condition with our old pony, she has been on Pracsend for over a year but have not seen any change in her, she is on Bute for her Arthritis but now she is trying to bite us when we are near her, she has been trying to bite for about two months now, normally she is good natured, can any one help please.



Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Can any one help with a ongoing condition with our old pony, she has been on Pracsend for over a year but have not seen any change in her, she is on Bute for her Arthritis but now she is trying to bite us when we are near her, she has been trying to bite for about two months now, normally she is good natured, can any one help please.

Firstly I would put her on flexi joint or turmeric for the joints.

Have you thought of a blood test to check the liver as my mare got a bit tetchy when she had raiser liver enzymes.

There could be something making her uncomfortable, ask your vet or it could be to do with bute, change her to danilon as it is better for the liver. Vets nearly always use bute as they make money on bute but cannot on danilon.

My donkey is on 1/2 prascend a day, make sure hay soaked, not out when frosty. No carrots unless you use the dried process type you can get from tack shops as it is better for them than eating fresh carrot's.

Some more Laminitis tips here
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Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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I was told to put my mare on bute, but did not like the idea of disguising the pain, so Equimins said if you have lubrication you don't have pain, if you don't have pain you don't needFlexi Joint pain killers.

My mare did a 180 when I put her on and most of the yard are on it now, all with amazing improvement. Look under A or J on the web I gave you above in the veterinary page