Well-Known Member
Hi - my niece's little falabella x mini shetland was really lame in her left front leg on Wednesday morning when I went to check them. She was fine the evening before, isn't ridden and is a little 4 year old pet. She also just has to look at grass and she's expands into a thelwell original so this year she has been strip grazed along with her other two mini companions. It doesn't seem to have made that much difference to their waist line and I am terrified they will get laminitis as they just seem such prime candidates. I called the vet as there was a little heat in the leg and she said to come and pick up some bute and give her a whole sachet straight away and the same the next morning and see how she was. She was still very sore even loaded with that amount of Bute so the vet came out yesterday afternoon and had a look. She couldn't definitely say she had laminitis just that she could have. She wasn't over reactive to the hoof tester but clearly didn't like it or being touched on the left side of her little frog however there was nothing evident there either. The vet tested all her feet and although not enjoying it she clearly wasn't struggling in pain. Vet gave me two weeks worth of bute - half a sachet morning and evening and told me just to let her forage so we've restricted her grazing further and put her and her two mini mates in together as she would stress without them. Just wondered if this is the correct treatment for suspected laminitis and if there is anything else I can do for her. Poor wee pony looks so sad and sore and to be honest the bute doesn't seem to be helping her that much. Should this be well into her system by now. When I checked her first thing this morning she was really sore still. She is grazing albeit on the limited area she has and is not lying down or looking depressed - she just looks very sore. Any help would be much appreciated as I have never seen a horse with laminitis other than in books therefore not sure what to do other than take the vets advice. In all honesty I am not confident with this particular (just qualified) vets ability and she is the only one the practice seem to use at the moment for call outs - I guess to gain experience but then again not at our horses expense I hope