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He had laminitis end of june last year, mild pedal bone rotation. Just started going out on a track system at night for 12hrs. He lost his shoe on Saturday on his front right the one which has suffered more from the laminitis so that hoof isn't in the best condition. he also has thin soles. When he started being ridden again he went lame again which vet thought was bruising, but the farrier found an abscess. He had had leather padding in front hooves since around july last year and had them taken off a few months ago, Hes shod on all fours. I walked him back from the field after he had lost his shoe, you have to walk on the road which is quite gravelly he was definitely sore on the road but not on grass. Left him in yard for the day with soaked hay where he can wander round yard the yard is concrete and dirt/ hard standing With access to stable. I shut him in his stable that night as wasn't sure if it could be laminitis, he was in next night as well. Farrier came monday afternoon to put shoe back on, didn't seem to think soreness was laminitis. Later in the day I realized he was still sore. So kept him in again,this morning he looks a bit better but have kept him in his stable. He is only sore on one hoof, digital pulse is stronger in that hoof. Can't feel pulse in any other of his legs. He walks as if he has got one shoe higher than the other. So do you think its laminitis or bruising? I'm getting the vet out asap. But just wanted your advice. Thanks in advance