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So my 8 year old mare, v good doer has moved onto summer grazing fields, and within a week started looking pottery. Extremely sore on stoney ground. She is barefoot (had shoes taken off beginning of last year as I was pregnant and so not riding her. Have started some riding since November but so little that she was coping ok without shoes). Initally put the footy behaviousdown to having just had a trim, but on saturday, 10 days after trim she was noticeably worse not better. Took her off grass all together, and got vet out monday. Vet confirmed low grade laminitis (pulse in all four feet). Said happy that doesn't need xrays right now, bute and sedalin for a week. No grass and v limited diet for a month.she is on soft shavings bed. Already looking a lot more comfortable and better pulse (although appreciate thay might just be the bute atm) then after a month vet said get bar shoes on to support and exercise her (providing we have seen suitable improvemnt) so my main question is about the shoes.... I am reading conflicting advice about this for lami... to do any real work my mare does like to be shod anyway, only just coping with v short hacks walking on road once or twice a week. Will bar shoes be ok to put on after a month? To support for exercise not as a treatment for the lami?