

Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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It's the time of year again where i'm on red alert with maddie's weight...
she's muzzled[succesfully breaking it most days though..] and i'm desperately trying to keep her weight down.
Anyway, as far as i know she's never had laminitus but i think theres the risk that she could fall victim to it..

One horse in her field has already come down with it.
I was thinking that i could try a supplement [nothing too fancy or expensive..] and came across this and wondered if anyone had heard of it/used it?
At the moment she is on happy hoof...but i want to change to happy dieter as it has less calories but don't want to lose the laminitus help...
thank you


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
sheffield up t'road
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shantih has just got it.never had it.shes 17 in perfect health otherwise was on restricted grass, feet well trimmed, good condition, is suprised shes got it.
be careful!
im thinking about trying formula for feet for her as it balances her diet as well as helping her feet(although they dont look like they need it!)
my poor girl is on soaked hay bored in stable for 30days now and has to go for xrays


Well-Known Member
16 April 2004
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I've never heard of laminix, I use Prolamin because I like the herb idea which is one of the two products you get in a tub, the other being a hoof support supplement. My pony has had laminitis but it was not grass induced, she got it through stress, inactivity and obesity as she was recovering from a fracture and ligament damage. She was out all last year on grass, I fed her D&H Hedgerow Herbs which is a blend of herbs your horse would eat in the wild if it could, its a natural antioxident and I think It helped, although as she has had laminitis in the past I thought I'd go for the two in one product Prolamin this time and when she comes in from grass in the winter I'll put her back on the Hedgerow Herbs for winter. Generally though, just good management is the best preventative and keeping a good eye out for the first signs is a brill way to keep your mind at rest, being worried about laminitis keeps you on your toes and makes you deal with the situation on a day to day basis, sometimes paranoia isn't a bad

Hope your horse stays fine, mine too!