Last night


Well-Known Member
18 October 2006
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So i was in my tack room last night making my gg's tea. Went to get his apples out of his and heard a loud bang in his stable. Ran out tack room to find him stood there eating looking at me as if i was a fool. He then looks round to the left and stares at something now by this time i was scared doesnt take a lot to scare me either. Anyway he actually moved away from were he was staring at and went back to eating his hay. I laughed it off and went back to my tack room(at back of stable) finished his tea off and then came out tackroom to find my horse staring at that same spot again he looked scary himself actually. Anyway i fed him and left as i thought i was either gonna cry or not move out of his tack room and that would have been a cold night for me.

Am i going mad or has anyone else experienced that i know they say animals see ghosts but never heard that horses do?? wont be going up to the yard that late anymore as there was no one on the yard and i was v scared. mard arse really as it was prob nothing but i got freaked out??


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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It sounds like your horse kicked the wall of the stable and it could have been vermin. Dark nights are horrible and my stables are only down the garden, but I dont hang about.

I would sing and or talk when you do down, it will make you feel better and carry a torch. As soon as we get December over we'll start getting a bit more daylight, which is very welcome.

I understand where you are coming from, humans are naturally wary of the dark, it is an inbuilt safety system. It is better to be cautious than not at all.


Well-Known Member
17 October 2006
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I kept my mare at a place which was haunted and one night she was eating and all of a sudden ran backwards and stood at the back of the stable starin at the front of the stable, eyes bulging and shaking. i was in stable at the time and it was cold (it wasnt a cold day), might i add....i got out of there asap!!!!!


Well-Known Member
5 December 2006
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havent had anything with my horse but once me and my mum were sitting watching tv and my dog came in and started staring at the corner of the room at the ceiling.

really freaked us out we called her name and she looked at us then turned back to looking at the ceiling. in the end we left the room and she followed us. really scared us though!!


Well-Known Member
28 April 2006
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I haven't heard that horses can but like other animals i am sure they have a 6th sense for things even if they can't see anything. One night i was half asleep and my cat started to make a weird noice (like a angry noice like he would make at another cat if you get me - low long growling type of meow) and he was staring at my wall and looked and turned his head like something walked past him then ran out......that really scared me


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6 December 2006
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OOOOHHHH I love scary things like that! I regularly hear people talking when I'm at the yard - which is a bit odd as the stables are at the end of my garden and I only have 2 liveries who are rarely there during the week!! My hubbie keeps telling me that I'm hearing things and it could possibly be voices carried by the wind from people walking on the cliff paths but what nutter would be wondering around on the cliff paths in the dark? Horses most definately have a sixth sense when it comes to these things - my horse is very "aware" of this!!!!

PS No comments about hearing voices - I do really!!!