Ok I'm going to have a go. Has anyone heard of this stallion? IDx in Ireland. Was my previous horses sire. The chestnut in the middle of my signature is by him.
Mine was a bright chestnut with not a picking of white on her. She was lovely - a really nice person and not a stereotypical chestnut mare. She had a nice jump but she wasn't straight forward and could put a horrid stop in if you weren't totally commited - fortunately not too often. Sadly she was killed when we were hit by a car out hacking or I'd have her still.
She was gorgeous and definitely didn't deserve the way she went - She would go out and work in all weathers with her ears pricked - not like my current mare who can't stand the rain. Perversely enough she was bomb proof on the roads, whereas current mare isnt - but after what happened we don't hack out much - just not worth the risk.
Anyway the chestnut came from Ireland via a Shirley Kernon (sp) and it wasn't until after I bought her that Shirley revealed she was by Laughtons Flight - which is just as well as apparently that would of upped her purchase price quite a bit!