Leading horse on ride out


Well-Known Member
17 February 2005
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Thoughts on it.

Went out for a brief (quite) hack on share horse, just up the road bascially. Now there is a forestry I can ride in (if I can get my hand on a key, won`t go into it now!), to get there you have got to go uphill up the road for a bit with a few turns. I ride during the weekdays so I can go up when its quietish, on the road the horse is fine as hes 16 years old and experienced. I`m normally ok on hacks just that not fabolous on roads with cars/building machinery going by, to their due the other users were fantastic to me. I made certain that I made eye contact with them and acknowledged them by nodding or lifting a hand in thanks. I`m not worried about visibility as I go out like a christmas tree.

Today was the first time I took him out on the road, the main problem really is with me. On the way up it was all smiles, on the way back down hill I started to get a bit more worried as silly me kept on thinking back on when I last rode on the roads (horse pissed off and I hurt my back on tarmac). I tensed a bit as he walked down at what felt like a slightly faster pace. I would liked to have carried on there are a few blind corners, plus it was the first time I had been up that way. When I was back on the yard it was weird, I felt a mixture of exhilaration that I had got him out and went by myself and worry about what could have been.

I walk up and down this road to get to the yard so I was thinking of leading him in hand to get up to the forestry considering that I would have to discount to open yard gate and also to open the forestry gate.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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Nothing at all wrong with you leading your horse on the road. Just listen out for any cars coming round all those corners. Enjoy it!


Well-Known Member
12 September 2006
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I think when you have had a nasty experience it does stay with you and affect your confidence. As I have got older, my mind plays tricks, I start to think about what could go wrong and get knotted up about it.

You situation sounds similar and its not nice, the more you think, the more you worry etc. I took steps to overcome this problem by riding out with a friend for the whole of the summer and my confidence soared. My friends a lot younger and has a totally different outlook and it made me feel that my fears were not as great.

I feel it would really help if you could have company on a ride and really get into the swing of things until you are ready to go out on your own. Of course this is'nt always possible and it sounds like you are doing really well as you are.

You say your horse is sensible and of a good age to know whats what. This horse sounds like he would get you out of danger and not be silly should anything occur. Horses have such a strong sence of self presevation that it sounds like you can trust this horse.

As for leading, that is fine, but as you are on the outside and there are blind bends, you would be sticking out more in the road. Wearing reflectives is the only way and I would not go out without them. I dont know how the law stands if you are leading a horse on the road, as against riding, it may be an idea to look into that as "lack of control" is usually the legal loop hole.

Best of luck, you are certainly not on your own having these feelings.


Well-Known Member
21 July 2005
Malton, N yorkshire
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Nothing wrong with leading when on roads if you feel it would be safer.
I've had to do it on my share horse, as he got scared by a JCB working behind a hillock next to the road. He would not move forward and was getting very tense. As soon as I got off to lead him he calmed down considerably as he had a "companion" and was happy to walk past said JCB and I remounted about 100m further up the road where it was safe. I know that he wouldn't've pissed off with me, but we both felt better with me leading him.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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If you feel better leading, then do so.

Perhaps you could try to do a little more at a time, or get someone to go with you to give you confidence.

Better to lead then sit there tense and possibly causing the horse to wonder what the problem is.


Well-Known Member
17 February 2005
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Cheers all, it makes me feel better that the census is that it is ok. I`ll just ignore what the mother superior on my yard who may have an opinion on it. I`d prefer to go out with someone but unfortunatley its not always possible when I`m there to ride.

I have a schooling whip I can bring with me to ward off any that gets too close. Next time I`m going to ride out further and on the way back if I am getting very tense then I`ll lead.


Well-Known Member
1 March 2004
Stuff what people on the yard say, do what you want and feel comfortable with!

When we first got Blacks before having a saddle for him we use to lead on the roads all the time. Just make sure you are aluminoused up, which I'm sure you always do!