Leaning to the left problems


12 August 2016
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Hi everyone

im a disabled rider & have little, nearly no function in my left arm hand. I have been like this since i was 26 im 44 now. I own a welsh section d, hes not your typical welshie hes a real dope on a rope. Anyway Jack leans on his left which is my bad side aswell. its causing me really bad pain in my shoulder. He does this constantly unless hes going really forward (this is near impossible for jack)I give the rein away & then take it back all the time. I tap him with the crop on his left shoulder but he continues to lean. I ride him in either a snaffle or a hanging cheek snaffle. I looked at this the other day and it has worn on the left side. I get his teeth check every year & they are all good. Is there another bit that I could try that you know of that will encourage him not to lean.


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15 October 2008
Cloud Cockoo Land
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Could you try a bitless bridle whilst in a school or safe riding area, then he couldn't lean and you may be able to break the habit? It is a bit of a leap of faith I now sometimes just ride off a rope halter and it is interesting how little "positive" impact the bit has and how much you can train the horse to be influenced by your other aids. Maybe do this with an instructor? (I am guessing that you are good at one rein stops anyway, make sure you are confident with these before moving off). Another suggestion would be to contact the para riding people and ask for help? I know an amazing lady near here who has no use in her legs, but rides amazingly (and jumps huge jumps) and I know that she has had a lot of help from them in the past. Last suggestion is a rubber bit or similar?


12 August 2016
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Thankyou never thought of doing bitless it's worth a try I'm up in Aberdeendhire and not sure if any para riding people up this way. If you have any details I'd be very greatful