Leg discrepency! Help


16 February 2017
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I wasn't sure where to post this because I not a new rider, I've been riding for over 2 years now 😂 I recently rode with a new trainer without stirrups and she noticed that one leg looked longer than the other and that when I sat so that my legs were at the same length, my pelvis felt wonky. One of my hips is higher than the other which means that I have a lateral pelvic tilt which I thought was fixable by stretching the necessary muscles. However, I had myself checked and it turns out that one leg is longer than the other. This is called a leg discrepency. Due to this, my left leg is shorter, the left side of my pelvis is higher but my left shoulder is lower (and vice versa on the other side). This is obviously putting me off balance in my riding and makes me give the horse cues through my seat that I shouldn't be giving. For example, telling the horse to move towards the fence and squashing my leg 😖. If anyone could give suggestions of what I could do to help with this, I would be so thankful.

Thanks in advance xxx


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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OP posted this twice by accident. You can follow the full thread with over 20 replies about 10 lines down. This duplicate thread had fallen away....