Legs filling - HELP Please!!!


Well-Known Member
29 August 2007
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My old horse has been out on loan for last 6 months with family friends who’s 13yr old tall daughter has been riding him as her "first horse" They went off to Pony Club Camp - he won the dressage, 2nd in the show jumping and they went off and did a FULL
days XC on ground that was like a road (before the rains!)

That very night his legs -(all 4) were up like balloons. (occasionally after a days Hunting they would fill but we would bandage fronts and put magnet boots on back and he'd have a day off to walk out swelling would go down) I haven’t hunted him for two years so his legs haven’t had the wear and tear.

- These legs go down if he out 24/7 but if he is in for a night (due to vile weather) they swell hard again - he is sound as a pound though he doesn’t want to "power-troop" walk as he usually does out on a hack…. Which makes me think he is sensitive to them and more than likely jarred up as well.

The vet thinks its a circulationary defect, he has been on bute and the problem is still there.
I don’t think he will fair well living out all winter and I don’t know what to do. Are there any blood thinning supplements that could help?

Aside from walking out the whole time I don’t know what to do with him this happened 6 weeks ago now and although there is no pressure for him to return to work – I want him back to normal!!

Rocky Road and Caramel Choc biccys for getting this far!

Christmas Crumpet

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30 August 2007
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I've already replied to this but just had a thought - is there anywhere bigger than a stable that you could put him in? Big barn or something where he could walk around a lot and have a lot of space? Might do some good too.


Well-Known Member
29 August 2007
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His stable is 16 by 18ft so its certainly bigger than average and he is out as much as possible, though sadly we dont have big barns as the stables are in the barn so to speak!


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1 December 2006
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You don't say how old this chap is, but it certainly sounds like he overdid it somewhat. My mare has an old lymphangitis leg and when she is out 24/7 in the summer it is fine, but when she comes in at night it balloons. She has magnetic boots on every night anyway. I'd let your old boy just potter gently until his circulation has recovered from the shock of all the exercise. Unfortunately some people forget these are animals, not machines, and hammer them.


Well-Known Member
29 August 2007
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He is 19 going on 20 and yes I agree but aged 13 I too was abit gung-ho - but never on someone elses horse, plus I ALWAYS knew when enough was enough! He is hacking out quietly at the moment though once back home at the weekend he can go out and stay out in a field munching and walking!!


Well-Known Member
24 June 2008
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It sounds like your poor horse has over done things.

It sounds like he has a flare up of windgalls. My horse as these and they are worse when he has been stabled, but disappear with exercise. He is probably jarred and a bit restricted in movement due to the swelling.

I definitely would not put him on Warfarin or Heparin (blood thinners) imagine what could happen if he slightly cut himself in the field? He would bleed to death.

I would cold hose his legs, use magnotherapy, stable bandages and gently exercise him on soft ground for a few weeks and see how he gets on.


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29 August 2007
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Oh god no - wasnt thinking rat poison! My grandfather was on Warfarin for his heart and kept a running joke about his rat poison!

He is 19 going on 20 and although there is no pressure for him to be in work soon I think gentle pottering until he decides otherwise - is he best bet - once home this weekend he can be out 24/7 with magnets on during the day and can cold hose.


Well-Known Member
24 June 2008
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As far as I know Warfarin and Heparin would be used for blood thinning. Maybe he could go onto a diruetic for a few days instead? This would get the swelling down and make him pee a lot. Personally, I would let nature do her thing tho.

I think you are being very sensible letting him potter around, he could still be gently hacked out once he is over the jarring.

I think it was very unfair of those people expecting him to do so much. I hope he is ok.


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29 August 2007
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In all honesty I dont think its because he couldnt do the work but just that they hadnt got him fit enough over a length of time - he was on hols in the spring and the daughter on a school exchange in the USA so they put him on the walker for a week before daughter arrived home and rode him for the two weeks before camp
- In my books 3 weeks work doesnt get a horse sufficiently fit for PC Camp....!!! Anyway what done is done. Getting cross about it isnt going to get him better sooner just make me bitter instead.


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20 August 2008
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Just wondering if a horse is on warfarin does anyone know whether it would react to magnetic boots to reduce swelling? My share horse was diagnosed with navicular last week and due to awaiting paddock being made for him, he can't go out just yet and he's legs have swollen too. His owner (who i share him with) is thinking magnetic boots but i just discovered that the warfarin that they gave him at vets last week can stay in their system for up to 3 weeks. So not sure if the two will react as they're both during the same job ish.

Hope your boy gets sorted soon Train robber. Is there a sick paddock/small paddock/laminitis paddock he could go into just enough for him to be able to wander around but without racing about?


Well-Known Member
24 June 2008
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My suggestion would be to ask your vet. The warfarin thins the blood and the magnets will increase circulation to the area being treated.

In people, Warfarin therapy is monitored very carefully and it can stay in the system for 3/4 weeks.

The alternative is to use good old fashioned stable bandages to reduce swelling.

I would double check with the vet to be on the safe side.