Lesson advice - what would you do


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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Hopefully in the new year I'm going to start having regular lessons again - stopped in September as haven't been well.

Big problem is cost. Yard I'm at - groups are £21 and privates are £40 during the week.

Now much as I would love to have a private every week - I just can't afford it. Can't really afford to have a group evey week either, plus the group I would join (rode with them in summer, is at a really awkward time)

So would you go for say a group lesson every other week so twice a month or a private every 3 weeks?

Changing RS is kinda out of the question. Where I am is the best yard in the area - other RS have reputations for reasons. There is one on my bus route but it doesn't have anything over 15hh and is primarily for beginners. And there are a couple of others which I wouldn't touch with a barge pole.

So yeah - advice; what would you guys do?; any other suggestions?


Well-Known Member
25 September 2003
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Weeell, if it were me I would go for the private lesson every 3 weeks.
My experience of group lessons has been you don't get enough attention for your money.
If it doesn't get offered, ask your instructor for "homework" to do for the next 3 weeks before your next lesson.
I would go for quality over quantity.
However everyone is different and a lot of people like being part of a group and find the "one on one" lessons too strenuous.
I can't wait to get back to lessons again. Hopefully another month if all goes well.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2005
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I agree with the other comments. Private lessons with a good instructor would maybe get you more out of them.

Sorry I don't know if you have your own horse, but if you don't then maybe seeing if there is someone local that you can share with for a couple of days a week would get you hours in the saddle.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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thanks guys - I've kinda been spoilt in that I've had privates more than I've had groups. Don't get me wrong, the group I joined with in the summer was fab, really enjoyed it. But I seem to get so much more out of privates especially jumping wise.

Sadly not got anything to ride outside of the yard at the mo & there seems to be a distinct lack of sharers down here as R of L would tell you.

I was contemplating asking one of the liveries if she needed any help as tend to ride her boy a lot anyway. Might be worth it possibly?

The yard does do a loaning scheme but cost involved is far over a student budget


Well-Known Member
26 November 2006
West Yorkshire
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How many are in group lesson?

I have a group lesson every week and a semi-private with husband when they can fit me in (not as often as I'd like but about 1 a month). If groups are small - about 4 people - then maybe group to begin with for first few months and do a private to work on things picked up by group sessions. We have a different horse every week so can see how others ride the horses. We also work on a new thing every week and I then use the things I was struggling with in my semi-privates. Like you I'm finding the lack of practise during the week an issue and am now looking for my own horse.

Would it be possible to have semi-privates if group lessons are big? I definately agree with the sticking with good riding school. I hunted for years to find one as good as present one.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2005
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The private lesson without a doubt, one on one with your trainer is in comparison to about 5 group lessons. even if they only have 4 horses in the lesson instructor has only got one set of eyes
make sure u get a good instructor for the money so many are just good at directing traffic in fairness, especially in group lessons, there main aim is to stop ya all from colliding let alone being able to teach


Well-Known Member
27 July 2006
Northern Ireland
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£40?! That's rough. My private is £20, supposed to be 3/4 of an hour tends to run to an hour. Get plenty done. £17 for a group lesson (I don't do them at all), not sure of numbers though.
29 July 2005
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Group lesson every other week.
That way there won't be so much pressure on you and you can get a lesson more often. You can learn from the others mistakes too. x


Well-Known Member
4 October 2003
New Forest
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As you don't have anything to ride other than at lessons I'd go for a group every other week. If you are only riding once every 3 weeks this will limit how much you can progress anyway as riding fitness is something very difficult to maintain when not actually riding.


Well-Known Member
16 December 2005
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Thanks guys - I'm kinda stuck between a rock & a hard place.

groups are maximum of 6, but it's more likely to be 4. Yard group lessons are normally done in open order - can't remember the last "follow person in front" type thing. And if I rode with the sunday group - I'd be definately getting one of the 3 senior instructors - all very good.

Semi private is an option, but with 2 people - it's £30 each and then I've got to find someone who we'd both work together with. Might be worth an ask though. With 3 people it goes down to £26 each.

Yard dont do work for rides anymore, stopped about 3 months after I started working there, so that's out.