Let's her it for the wonderful liveries

Rose Folly

Well-Known Member
29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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Borrowing from the thread on here tonight "Let's hear it for the wonderful YOs" I'd like to start this one. I only have a small livery business - 2-3 horses max, with 4-5 people riding said horses. I've never yet had an unplesant livery, nobody has ever done a moonlit flit or behaved badly in any way. I'm still in touch with every livery I've had for the past 19 years. But the best happened the other day.

Was dumped by my horse, on tarmac, on my head, while riding with two of the liveries. Knocked out, so trip to hospital. Livery A rang for ambulance, my OH, riding friends etc. Livery B held the three horses. Livery C turned up on summons, with husband. He organised the closing of the lane, and then sat on the tarmac with me keeping me conscious and ticking. Livery D, who'd been lunching at local pub with her husband, was told by oncoming motorist she wouldn't be able to get through as there'd been a 'horse-riding accident'. Whe asked how many horses were there, was told three, added two-and-two and turned up.

Livery A's husband, who hadn't ridden for 33 years, was put up on Livery A's horse, the 17.2 ex-chaser (the quietest of the bunch) to ride it home. Livery C got up on my mare and along with Livery B (who was in shock, as I don't think she'd seen a riding acccident before) took the horses home and unsaddled, rugged them and fed them. Livery A came in the ambulance with me, and Livery C and husband followed the ambulance and were the first sight for me when the ambulancve doors opened at the local hospital.

I'll never forget their kindness that day, and just proved to me what I knew already anyway - that they're not just liveries, but wonderful friends. How lucky can you get?


Well-Known Member
20 September 2009
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What lovely liveries you have:)
Haha - I'm a good livery too:) I had a call from my yard owners daughter last weekend to ask me if I was still at the yard but I had only just got home! They were both locked in a bedroom as door had jammed and the daughter had to be in work by 12! I jumped back in the car with tool kit and went to rescue them. It took me about 15 mins and I literally had to bash the door down and daughter was only 20 mins late for work!


Well-Known Member
30 July 2010
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It is nice to be appreciated as a livery. I was thanked this morning by the owner of the DIY yard I am at. The rule is, first there in the morning feeds round. Monday to Friday it is always me and I unlock the yard and feed 35 horses before mucking out and turning out my horse. I don't mind mixing in any medication and I will checking on horses that are on box rest or having been colicy (sp?) etc.

Yard owner bought me a plant as a thank-you which I thought was lovely. :)