Jim bob
Well-Known Member
So it would appear my horse has this. My vet diagnosed my horse with this a few weeks ago after one of his hind legs ballooned over night and wouldn't reduce in size eventhough I had been cold hosing, working him and had stable bandages on him. I was due to contact him to update him how my horse was today or tomorrow. However things got worse, a few nights ago, my horses leg started to swell again and my management routine wasn't working. So my vet was back down today. Steroid cream to be put on the scabs ( He has them on all of his legs, if not all then 3 out of his 4 legs) He is on antibiotics, given another dose of steroids, blood sample taken to test his liver( live results are back and his liver is fine) I have been advised to continue with the bandaging and light work, its made him sore on his left hind. Will try and get a few photos on.
Google is actually quite limited in what it can tell me about this condition, not sure if its rare or just uncommon. How does other owners manage their horses condition? Or try to prevent another episode?
Google is actually quite limited in what it can tell me about this condition, not sure if its rare or just uncommon. How does other owners manage their horses condition? Or try to prevent another episode?