Life question - should I sell my trailer?


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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Have shiny new-ish [4 years old] Richardson-Rice Rosette trailer that I bought for £2500.

Have been fed up with my job since I started in Feb! Not just fed up - having a mid life crisis!

Today i discovered that I can train to be an NVQ asessor [equine] for £470 - ideal job - involves horses but no heavy stuff [bad back].

No guarantee of employment after but its at least a step in the direction I want to go.

So do I sell the trailer - probaly the ONLY thing of financial value that I have.

I reckon I could get over £2k as they do hold their value.
Could poss buy an older cheaper one for under £1k then pay for NVQ training and have a bit left.

I'm balking because the trailer and the car [now a bit knackered] are the only things I have left to show from the sale of my flat [sold to keep my horse - was also meant to a new start but I'd just started a job I thought I'd keep and blew the dosh frivously].

Is downgrading trailers ust another example of my underachieving life?


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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Take care with this because I am already and NVQ assessor and could not assess equine courses. You need to show competence in the field you are assessing so unless you have other Equine qualifications you may struggle to get work. Check things out very thoroughly before giving up your job.

I dont need a trailer but yours is one of my favourites and I would highly recommend it if you were advertising it which of course you are now allowed to


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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thanks for the thoughts - i have my BHSAI and a National Certificate in the Management of Horses - used to teach full time but gave it up about 8 years ago for a 'proper' job [and salary].

Can't go back to the donkey work for peanuts - too old [38], knackered and have too many bills to pay!

Not necessarily considering giving up my job - yet but need a drastic change of direction before I disappear up my own bum in despair!

Can't finance the NVQ - the trailer is the only thing I have that's worth anything!!

Thanks also for your recommendation! I am HONESTLY not selling yet as I trul haven't made up my mind what to do.


Well-Known Member
28 September 2005
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You certainly have the quals then and should easily be able to show competence. I suspect you can suppliment it all with a bit of freelance teaching, clipping etc. Good luck and I am a tad envious.


Well-Known Member
24 March 2006
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you can always do the NVQ at a later date . start saving a little each month whilst you research thoroughly the prospects of employment with the NVQ qualification. That way you can keep your trailer and be more knowledgable regarding future employment prospects.


Well-Known Member
26 May 2005
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I think that you are being a bit hard on yourself; I don't think that it is underachieving to have your BHSAI and National certificate in management of horses. I think it's a big achievement! I am 30 tomorrow and I am just starting my NVQ 2 in horse care! I am paying for this on a term-by-term basis spreading the cost - can you do this with the assessor training? If you do the assessor training through a collage it could be possible to get a grant or loan so that you can keep your trailer?
I really do think you should be proud of your achievements, I have a photo of my horse on my desk and when I have a rubbish day I look at it and think I am only doing it to keep shoes on his feet and hay in his tummy and it all feels a bit more worthwhile!

Pilib X


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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The assessors course is short I believe - you can spread the cost over 3 payments - but its still more than I can afford.

can't do full time study - simply can't afford it even with a grant - it wouldnt cover the rent/horse etc
I'm not sure about a government loan - although I'm already committed up to my financial max - the thought of more borrowing isn't attractive. Plus as someone in full-time employment i'm not sure i'd qualify. I should ask I know and no doubt will - having a bit of a wallow today. But what's self pity for if its not a good wallow!

I will also call the assessor training lady to discuss further [so far only emails] but at work so needs to be when boss is out! Bear in mind even if I do it theres no job as far as I gather - it only leaves me qualified...

Thanks for the positive comments - had a particularly crappy dressage comp last sunday too so feeling doubly useless.

Feel like flogging everytghing and having 2 months off work!!!!


Well-Known Member
26 May 2005
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Well at least you are at the stage where you are doing dressage comps, feel proud of that!

It could be worse, I have had my boy for 4 years, he still can't canter in the school and I am petrified of riding in front of others................................!

Pilib X


Well-Known Member
23 August 2006
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lucky you!

do you mean 10 miles noth/south/east/west of Norwich?

or in Norwich 10 miles from N. walsham...?

My horse just down the road [5 mins] have a job on the coast.


Well-Known Member
26 May 2005
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10 miles from Norwich, south.

Wow I would love to work on the coast, instead I am stuck in an airless, beige office! Poo!


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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TuscanyD you have already acheived so much with your AI and years of horsey experience behind you.

I am 33 and only hold my stage 1 - with my horse resting this winter I have decided to pull my finger out and get my R&R Safety and Stage 2 so I can go for PTT next year. People have been saying to me that I am wasting my money/efforts by trying to get teaching quals at this stage of my life but I am not listening to them anymore! I have always wanted to teach, have taught for 3 years in an army saddle club and being around horses all day doesn't feel like work to me! I too am in a crappy office job which I know is not my future so I am making a start on that right now.

NVQ assessor is one avenue to explore. Have you looked into the Level 3 City & Guilds course into Teaching Further Education to Adults? This gives you a level 3 generic teacing qual to those who are competant in their subject area (which you certainly are). Lots of FE colleges teach it part time and I think the cost is around the same as the NVQ. I believe it means you can then teach equine courses at college which may mean better a pay packet.

Sell your trailer and use the money for personal development - in the log run it will be worth it and there are many people willing to share transport. Good luck - you are way ahead of me as an AI and definately no underacheiver!!


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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Well I'd say go for it. You're not downgrading your trailer as "another example of your underachieving life", you're 'realising your assets in order to continue with your personal development'!!!
A trailer is a trailer whether its worth £2k or £200 (you know where I am coming from on that one!! )
and it will still get you around. Even if you didn't have one at all I am sure you have friends who would be able to give you a lift

My thoughts would be to investigate the whole prospects of work thing as fully as possible before going ahead - more posts on here to find out who has the same quals? calling Easton College and others? - and if there is a more than fighting chance, go for it. You will still have a trailer and another qualification under your belt/on your cv. Not a bad end result. And the journey there will hopefully make you feel like you are doing something positive about getting out of the hateful job and improving your life and quite possibly finances.

PS On the financial side take a look at Martins Money tips website - he is brilliant for money saving tips, how best to manage your credit, cheapest deals etc... I don't know if that counts as advertising? Shouldn't do, it's just a personal recommendation.


Well-Known Member
10 October 2006
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on an offshoot... I'm looking to sell my trailer, much cheaper than yours as lots older, excellent condition as new ramp, double floor, electrics, brakes, Jock wheel, and full front jockey door!
Dont suppose you want to part ex????