Livery and bad owners


Well-Known Member
3 January 2015
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Well this has been a real eye opener, we opened about 8 weeks ago, with new monarch internal stables, all paddocks rope fenced elec, auto waters in all the paddocks, and a lovely big arena, I call the sand pit. The biggest know all came with three horses, and in all the time here has never so much a poo picked once, where as all the other owners are really good at doing their fields. I help with my Trafalgar poo picker when I can, we all set to doing the field in question, it took 10 loads. They have not been for 5 days at a time, and left us to do the rugs etc, just not good enough.
I gave a final warning and they are moving this weekend, my question is, should livery yard owners ask for a reference, so they can check why the person is moving, and get the ref checked out.
I just do not want a repeat of the above. Its all new and fab, and they have said we are a sh 1 t hole, I have also found out, lots of money is owing and the farrier would not come, There is no point in trying to charge for all the extras, as its bad enough trying to get the weekly out of them.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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Tbh, I've been a livery for 7 years and some of the things I've seen would make your eyes water. Many people are excellent, but there's a select few that are beyond useless. Even if you tried to get references, the previous place would be so pleased to see the back of them I doubt you'd get the truth. Take a month's money up front, always, and don't let anything go unobserved.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2014
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Did they know that they were responsible for poo-picking? Is it in the contract? Do you have a contract?

I think the horsey world is small enough that you can ask around about potential new liveries - I did once meet one lady abroad who'd kept her horses in three countries meaning a drive of up to 2 hours each way to visit them as she'd run out on so many bills... Never did get to say goodbye, she did a moonlight flit owing a few k.